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Get name of gradle module, and the name of any other modules it depends on


Let's say I have a multi-module gradle project with two gradle modules, :A and :B.

├── :A
│   └── build.gradle
├── :B
│   └── build.gradle
├── build.gradle     (plugin applied here)
└── settings.gradle
  • :A has no dependencies
  • :B has a dependency on :A

I want to get the following information.

  • a list of the names of each module in project: :A, :B
  • list of module names that each module is dependant on. For :A, this would be an empty list, and for :B it would be listOf(":A") (single element list)

How can I get this information in the context of a custom gradle plugin that's applied to the root gradle module?

The use case for this is to generate a visual representation of how each module is connected in a multi-module project

like image 927
ZakTaccardi Avatar asked Sep 22 '17 18:09


People also ask

What are Gradle modules?

Gradle Module Metadata is a format used to serialize the Gradle component model. It is similar to Apache Maven™'s POM file or Apache Ivy™ ivy. xml files. The goal of metadata files is to provide to consumers a reasonable model of what is published on a repository.

What are Gradle dependencies?

Gradle build script defines a process to build projects; each project contains some dependencies and some publications. Dependencies refer to the things that supports in building your project, such as required JAR file from other projects and external JARs like JDBC JAR or Eh-cache JAR in the class path.

1 Answers

Here is a snippet for going through each Configuration and getting the ProjectDependency types from them. It uses Gradle.projectsEvaluated(org.gradle.api.Action) which executes after all the projects are evaluated. It doesn't do anything to figure out transitives or keep a notion of who depends on who, but this can hopefully give you a starting point for how you might achieve what you are looking for.

gradle.projectsEvaluated {
  println('Projects loaded')
  println('*' * 15)
  allprojects.forEach { proj ->
    final List<ProjectDependency> projectDependencies = proj.configurations.collectMany { Configuration configuration ->
    }.findAll { Dependency dependency ->
      dependency instanceof ProjectDependency
    }.collect {
      it as ProjectDependency
    println("Project ${proj.name}")
    println(projectDependencies.collect { "  ${it.name} -> ${it.dependencyProject.path}" }.join(System.lineSeparator()))

I tried it out on the junit-team/junit5 repository and got the following output:

Projects loaded
Project junit5

Project documentation
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-jupiter-params -> :junit-jupiter-params
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console
  junit-vintage-engine -> :junit-vintage-engine
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine

Project junit-jupiter-api
  junit-platform-commons -> :junit-platform-commons

Project junit-jupiter-engine
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console

Project junit-jupiter-migrationsupport
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console

Project junit-jupiter-params
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console

Project junit-platform-commons

Project junit-platform-console
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher

Project junit-platform-console-standalone
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine
  junit-jupiter-params -> :junit-jupiter-params
  junit-vintage-engine -> :junit-vintage-engine
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-jupiter-params -> :junit-jupiter-params

Project junit-platform-engine
  junit-platform-commons -> :junit-platform-commons

Project junit-platform-gradle-plugin
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine

Project junit-platform-launcher
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine

Project junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-platform-suite-api -> :junit-platform-suite-api

Project junit-platform-suite-api
  junit-platform-commons -> :junit-platform-commons

Project junit-platform-surefire-provider
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console

Project junit-vintage-engine
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine

Project platform-tests
  junit-platform-commons -> :junit-platform-commons
  junit-platform-console -> :junit-platform-console
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-platform-launcher -> :junit-platform-launcher
  junit-jupiter-api -> :junit-jupiter-api
  junit-jupiter-params -> :junit-jupiter-params
  junit-platform-runner -> :junit-platform-runner
  junit-platform-engine -> :junit-platform-engine
  junit-jupiter-engine -> :junit-jupiter-engine
  junit-vintage-engine -> :junit-vintage-engine
  junit-jupiter-migrationsupport -> :junit-jupiter-migrationsupport
  junit-platform-gradle-plugin -> :junit-platform-gradle-plugin
  junit-platform-surefire-provider -> :junit-platform-surefire-provider
like image 80
mkobit Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09
