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Get name of current class?




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How do I find the class name of an object?

If you have a JavaSW object, you can obtain it's class object by calling getClass() on the object. To determine a String representation of the name of the class, you can call getName() on the class.

What is getClass () getName () in Java?

The getName() method of java Class class is used to get the name of the entity, and that entity can be class, interface, array, enum, method, etc. of the class object. Element Type.

What is current class in Java?

this Keyword in Java is a reference variable that refers to the current object. One of the use of this keyword in Java is to refer current class instance variable. It can be used to invoke or initiate current class constructor. It can be passed as an argument in the method call.

How do you return a class name from a String in Java?

Get Class Name Using class. In the GetClassName class, we use ExampleClass. class to get the information of the class. It returns a Class instance of type ExampleClass . Now we can call getSimpleName() using the classNameInstance that will return only the class name as a String.

obj.__class__.__name__ will get you any objects name, so you can do this:

class Clazz():
    def getName(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__


>>> c = Clazz()
>>> c.getName()

Within the body of a class, the class name isn't defined yet, so it is not available. Can you not simply type the name of the class? Maybe you need to say more about the problem so we can find a solution for you.

I would create a metaclass to do this work for you. It's invoked at class creation time (conceptually at the very end of the class: block), and can manipulate the class being created. I haven't tested this:

class InputAssigningMetaclass(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        cls.input = get_input(name)
        return super(MyType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, newattrs)

class MyBaseFoo(object):
    __metaclass__ = InputAssigningMetaclass

class foo(MyBaseFoo):
    # etc, no need to create 'input'

class foo2(MyBaseFoo):
    # etc, no need to create 'input'

You can access it by the class' private attributes:

cls_name = self.__class__.__name__


As said by Ned Batcheler, this wouldn't work in the class body, but it would in a method.

PEP 3155 introduced __qualname__, which was implemented in Python 3.3.

For top-level functions and classes, the __qualname__ attribute is equal to the __name__ attribute. For nested classes, methods, and nested functions, the __qualname__ attribute contains a dotted path leading to the object from the module top-level.

It is accessible from within the very definition of a class or a function, so for instance:

class Foo:

will effectively print Foo. You'll get the fully qualified name (excluding the module's name), so you might want to split it on the . character.

However, there is no way to get an actual handle on the class being defined.

>>> class Foo:
...     print('Foo' in globals())

EDIT: Yes, you can; but you have to cheat: The currently running class name is present on the call stack, and the traceback module allows you to access the stack.

>>> import traceback
>>> def get_input(class_name):
...     return class_name.encode('rot13')
>>> class foo(object):
...      _name = traceback.extract_stack()[-1][2]
...     input = get_input(_name)
>>> foo.input

However, I wouldn't do this; My original answer is still my own preference as a solution. Original answer:

probably the very simplest solution is to use a decorator, which is similar to Ned's answer involving metaclasses, but less powerful (decorators are capable of black magic, but metaclasses are capable of ancient, occult black magic)

>>> def get_input(class_name):
...     return class_name.encode('rot13')
>>> def inputize(cls):
...     cls.input = get_input(cls.__name__)
...     return cls
>>> @inputize
... class foo(object):
...     pass
>>> foo.input

@Yuval Adam answer using @property

class Foo():
    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

f = Foo()
f.name  # will give 'Foo'