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Get multiple data from tables Using Entity Framework data model

I am using Entity Framework model data to manipulate data from database (CRUD operations). I want to get all data from tables (not just one).

Here is database model:

Database model

I want to get multiple data from all tables.

Currently I am using query displayed bellow but problem with this query is that I got multiple values from Contact tables and other tables displays only one result. Does someone knows why my query is not working and how to get all multiple data from tables.

Here is Query/Function to get all data from database:

ContactsEntities db = new ContactsEntities();
        //get all contacts
        public JsonResult GetAll()
            var data = (from c in db.Contacts
                        from e in db.Emails.Where(x => x.id == c.id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        from p in db.Phones.Where(x => x.id == c.id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        from t in db.Tags.Where(x => x.id == c.id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new
                            id = c.id,
                            phones = p.number,
                            emails = e.email1,
                            tags = t.tag1,
                            firstname = c.firstname,
                            lastname = c.lastname,
                            address = c.address,
                            city = c.city,
                            bookmarked = c.bookmarked,
                            notes = c.notes
            return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
like image 385
jureispro Avatar asked Dec 27 '14 10:12


People also ask

How do I extract data from multiple tables?

In SQL, to fetch data from multiple tables, the join operator is used. The join operator adds or removes rows in the virtual table that is used by SQL server to process data before the other steps of the query consume the data.

Can we fetch data from multiple tables using one query?

To retrieve information from more than one table, you need to join those tables together. This can be done using JOIN methods, or you can use a second SELECT statement inside your main SELECT query—a subquery.

How do I join multiple tables in Entity Framework?

The LINQ join operator allows us to join multiple tables on one or more columns (multiple columns). By default, they perform the inner join of the tables. We also learn how to perform left joins in Entity Framework by using the join operator & DefaultIfEmpty method.

1 Answers

I have tested this on your model it works:

var test1 = (from c in db.Contacts
                   join e in db.Emails
                       on c.id equals e.id_contact
                   join t in db.Tags
                   on c.id equals t.id_contact
                   join p in db.Phones on c.id equals p.id_contact
                   select new
                       id = c.id,
                       phones = p.number,
                       emails = e.email1,
                       tags = t.tag1,
                       firstname = c.firstname,
                       lastname = c.lastname,
                       address = c.address,
                       city = c.city,
                       bookmarked = c.bookmarked,
                       notes = c.notes

I was trying to resolve this in one step, otherwise add this after test1 it works properly:

 var result = (from contact in test1
                    group contact by contact.id into grp
                    select new
                        id = grp.Key,
                        firstname = grp.First().firstname,
                        lastname = grp.First().lastname,
                        address = grp.First().address,
                        city = grp.First().city,
                        bookmarked = grp.First().bookmarked,
                        notes = grp.First().notes,
                        phones = grp.Where(x => x.phones != null).Select(x => x.phones).Distinct().ToArray(),
                        emails = grp.Where(x => x.emails != null).Select(x => x.emails).Distinct().ToArray(),
                        tags = grp.Where(x => x.tags != null).Select(x => x.tags).Distinct().ToArray()

If you establish the relation between them it will be resolved and this code will return all contacts as you want:

1- Create New Diagram

2- Add these tables and then Drag Contact's id on 'id_contact' of each Email,Tag and phone

3- Save the diagram on Sql Server

4- Recreate your Model in Visual Studio


var contacts = (from c in db.Contacts
                       select c).ToList();

for each contact it will get all related emails,phones and tags just by the relation.

like image 188
Aria Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
