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Get method name from within a typescript method

I want to get the name of the current method from within an instance method of a class in Typescript.

(Pseudocode, doesn't work):

class Foo {
    bar() {
        console.log(something); //what should something be?

new Foo().bar();

I expect 'something' to return 'bar'. I realize that this can give me the class, and I could somehow get the class and its attributes from it, but I do not know how to get 'this function' (i.e, the method bar, not the class Foo).

I have seen several other questions related to finding the class name, etc. but not one that addresses getting the current method name.

like image 449
Anand Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 20:08


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2 Answers

Besides the arguments.callee.name there is no straightforward way of getting this.

I propose 2 other methods:

Use decorators to inject the method name:

function annotateName(target, name, desc) {
    var method = desc.value;
    desc.value = function () {
        var prevMethod = this.currentMethod;
        this.currentMethod = name;
        method.apply(this, arguments);
        this.currentMethod = prevMethod;   

class Foo {
    currentMethod: string;

    bar() {

    tux() {

new Foo().bar();

The downside is that you have to annotate all the functions you want to get the name from. You could instead just annotate the class and in the decorator you would iterate over all prototype functions and apply the same idea.

My second option is not standardised and need more care to get consistent results across browsers. It relies on creating an Error object and getting it's stack trace.

class Foo {
    bar() {

function getMethodName() {
    var err = new Error();
    return /at \w+\.(\w+)/.exec(err.stack.split('\n')[2])[1] // we want the 2nd method in the call stack


new Foo().bar();
like image 194
Cristi Mihai Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Cristi Mihai

Not sure if this would help, but:

class Foo {
    bar() {
        console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Foo.prototype)); // ["constructor", "bar"]

new Foo().bar();
like image 3
Slai Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
