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Get latest Facebook posts of page with PHP SDK

The following code is inside a file called facebook_posts.php which I call from my index file like so: <?php require_once("http://www.example.com/design/php/facebook_posts.php"); ?>. However, where this code is put, there is no response. So neither success, nor the catch errors return an error (as I see it). I tried absolute URLs, but that didn't work either. (I hid the api and page information.) Apparently the content that follows the require_once (footer and scripts) aren't loaded. Something seems to go wrong when including the SDK.

I'm not using composer, do I need to require the Facebook\ files or use them? And which ones do I need for retrieving posts from a page?

// Defining FB SDK with absolute paths
define('FACEBOOK_SDK_V4_SRC_DIR', 'http://example.com/design/Facebook/');
require 'http://example.com/design/php/autoload.php';

use Facebook\FacebookSession;
use Facebook\FacebookRequest;
use Facebook\GraphUser;
use Facebook\FacebookRequestException;


$session = new FacebookSession('{my-long-lived-access-token}');

// Get the GraphUser object for the current user:

try {
$request = new FacebookRequest(
$response = $request->execute();
$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();

echo graphObject;
echo "banana";

} catch (FacebookRequestException $e) {
  echo "API ERROR";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
  echo "other error";


EDIT: so I just required in all the FB files, and that seems to work. However, I don't know how to traverse/iterate the object that is returned. I.e. how to loop through the different posts (the four latest posts by the page) and echo them in HTML. A base structure would look like this:

<time>{publish date}</time>
<p>{post message}</p>
<a href="{link to included url}">{title to included url}</a>
like image 433
Bram Vanroy Avatar asked Jan 24 '15 09:01

Bram Vanroy

People also ask

How do I find recent posts on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Most Recent. Learn the difference between top posts and most recent posts in Feed.

How do I get Facebook posts on API?

Use the /me/posts endpoint with the user_posts permission: We have a new permission user_posts that allows an app to access the posts on a person's Timeline. This includes the someone's own posts, posts they are tagged in and posts other people make on their Timeline.

How can I use Facebook API in PHP?

The PHP Facebook SDK is very easy to implement and allows access to to facebook graph APIs for developers. a note of it to use in the PHP code. Create new app by clicking Add New App. Enter all the required details like name, email id and click on Create APP ID to get APP ID and APP SECRET to access the Facebook API.

How can I get Facebook page reviews in PHP?

$request = $fb->request('GET', '/'. $page_id. '/'); // Send the request to Graph try { $response = $fb->getClient()->sendRequest($request); } catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) { // When Graph returns an error echo 'Graph returned an error: ' .

1 Answers

You need to use a long-lived page access-token.

Page Access Token

These access tokens are similar to user access tokens, except that they provide permission to APIs that read, write or modify the data belonging to a Facebook Page. To obtain a page access token you need to start by obtaining a user access token and asking for the manage_pages permission. Once you have the user access token you then get the page access token via the Graph API.

As @CBroe said, you should not use that access token in client-side code as it is secret/private and you don't want anyone to get it.

So for what you want to do, Javascript is not the right choice. You will have to use some server-side code, like PHP, Python or Ruby to get the posts. If that is clear, here is how you can create it.

  1. Create a Facebook app:

    • keep the app id (1) and app secret (2) aside,
    • in the "advanced" settings, activate OAuth in order to avoid The application has disabled OAuth client flow.
  2. You need to create a user access token.

    • go on the Graph API Explorer and select the application you just created,
    • generate an access token: click "Get access token" and tick manage_pages in the "Extended Permissions" tab.
  3. Get your short-lived page access token.

    • still in the Graph API explorer, query me/accounts (GET),
    • find your page and get its access token (3).
  4. Get your long-lived page access token.

    • in your browser, paste https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=(1)&client_secret=(2)&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=(3) in the address bar,
    • replace (1), (2) and (3) by your app id, your app secret and your page access token,
    • get your new long-lived access token from the result: access_token=FAKECAALBygJ4juoBAJyb8Cbq9bvwPYQwIaX53fLTMAWZCmDan1netI30khjITZAqcw9uE0lRT4ayWGm2ZCS7s7aZCVhF3ei6m0fuy2AkTkwmzUiJI4NUOZAyZAzuL,
    • use the Access Token Debugger to verify that your access token will never expire.

Now you can use that new access token to retrieve the posts of your page:

$session = new FacebookSession('FAKECAALBygJ4juoBAJyb8Cbq9bvwPYQwIaX53fLTMAWZCmDan1netI30khjITZAqcw9uE0lRT4ayWGm2ZCS7s7aZCVhF3ei6m0fuy2AkTkwmzUiJI4NUOZAyZAzuL');

try {
    $data = (new FacebookRequest(
        $session, 'GET', '/me/posts'

    foreach ($data as $post){
        $postId = $post->getProperty('id');
        $postMessage = $post->getProperty('message');
        print "$postId - $postMessage <br />";
} catch (FacebookRequestException $e) {
    // The Graph API returned an error
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Some other error occurred
like image 62
Stéphane Bruckert Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Stéphane Bruckert