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Get last documents with a distinct criteria


I'm having trouble coming up with a good way to do a certain MongoDb query. First, here's what kind of query I want to do. Assume a simple database which logs entry and exit events (and possibly other actions, doesn't matter) by electronic card swipe. So there's a collection called swipelog with simple documents which look like this:

    _id: ObjectId("524ab4790a4c0e402200052c")
    name: "John Doe", 
    action: "entry",
    timestamp: ISODate("2013-10-01T1:32:12.112Z") 

Now I want to list names and their last entry times (and any other fields I may want, but example below uses just these two fields).

Current solution

Here is what I have now, as a "one-liner" for MongoDb JavaScript console:

           .forEach( function(name) {

    db.swipelog.find( { name: name, action:"entry" } )
               .sort( { $natural:-1 } )
               .forEach( function(entry) {

        printjson( [ entry.name, entry.timestamp ] )

Which prints something like:

[ "John Doe", ISODate("2013-10-01T1:32:12.112Z")]
[ "Jane Deo", ISODate("2013-10-01T1:36:12.112Z")]


I think above has the obvious scaling problem. If there are a hundred names, then 1+100 queries will be made to the database. So what is a good/correct way to get "last timestamp of every distinct name" ? Changing database structure or adding some collections is ok, if it makes this easier.

like image 435
hyde Avatar asked Oct 01 '13 11:10


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You can do this via aggregation framework in Compass, using $unwind and $group. The $unwind is performed to create a unique document for each element in the target array, which enables the $addToSet operator in the $group stage to then capture the genres as distinct elements.

What is aggregation in MongoDB?

What is Aggregation in MongoDB? Aggregation is a way of processing a large number of documents in a collection by means of passing them through different stages. The stages make up what is known as a pipeline. The stages in a pipeline can filter, sort, group, reshape and modify documents that pass through the pipeline.

1 Answers

You can use aggregation framework to achieve this:


If you likely to include other fields in the results, you can use the $first operator

                  {name:1, timestamp:-1}
                   timestamp: {$first:'$timestamp'},
                   otherField: {$first:'$otherField'},
like image 154
attish Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 13:09
