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Get Jekyll Configuration Inside Plugin

I'd like to make changes to the Jekyll Only First Paragraph plugin to make the generation of a 'read more ' link a configurable option.

To do this I'd need to be able to access the Jekyll site config inside the plugin's AssetFilter. With the configuration available I can make the change. I don't know how to make the site configuration available to the plugin.

The code below demonstrates where I'd like site.config available:

require 'nokogiri'

module Jekyll
  module AssetFilter
    def only_first_p(post)
      # site.config needs to be available here to modify the output based on the configuration

      output = "<p>"
      output << Nokogiri::HTML(post["content"]).at_css("p").inner_html
      output << %{</p><a class="readmore" href="#{post["url"]}">Read more</a>}



Can this be achieved?

like image 675
Jon Cram Avatar asked Jul 10 '12 09:07

Jon Cram

1 Answers


You can access Jekyll config options in plugins with:


If the config key contains nested levels, the format is:



If a _config.yml contains:

testvar: new value

    second_level: sub level data

A basic example that simply outputs those values would look like:

require 'nokogiri'

module Jekyll
  module AssetFilter
    def only_first_p(post)

      @c_value = Jekyll.configuration({})['testvar']
      @c_value_nested = Jekyll.configuration({})['custom_root']['second_level']

      output = "<p>"

      ### Confirm you got the config values
      output << "<br />"
      output << "c_value: " + @c_value + "<br />"
      output << "c_value_nested: " + @c_value_nested + "<br />"
      output << "<br />"

      output << Nokogiri::HTML(post["content"]).at_css("p").inner_html
      output << %{</p><a class="readmore" href="#{post["url"]}">Read more</a>}



Of course, you would want to put checks in that verify that the config key/values are defined before trying to use them. That's left as an exercise for the reader.

Another Possible Option

The "Liquid filters" section of the Jekyll Plugins Wiki Page contains the following:

In Jekyll you can access the site object through registers. As an example, you can access the global configuration (_config.yml) like this: @context.registers[:site].config['cdn'].

I haven't spent the time to get that to work, but it might be worth checking out as well.

like image 100
Alan W. Smith Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Alan W. Smith