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Get inserted ids after failed insert_many()

I'm currently trying to write a script that inserts documents into a MongoDb and returns where each element is stored. Very simple thanks to insert_many(), however my problem occurs if there is an error while I'm inserting.

I won't be able to get the ids that have just been inserted.

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient(...)
db = client.test

r = db.test.insert_many([{'foo': 1}, {'foo': 2}, {'foo': 3}])
#: [ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efff8'),
#:  ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efff9'),
#:  ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efffa')]

#: [{'_id': ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efff8'), 'foo': 1},
#:  {'_id': ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efff9'), 'foo': 2},
#:  {'_id': ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efffa'), 'foo': 3}]

# This is dead stupid, but forcing an error by re-using the ObjectId we just generated
r2 = db.test.insert_many([{'foo': 4}, {'_id': r.inserted_ids[0], 'foo': 6}, {'foo': 7}])
#: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: BulkWriteError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
#: <Cut in the interest of time>

Of course, r2 is not initialized, so I can't ask for inserted_ids, however, there will have been one record inserted into the database:

#: [{'_id': ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efff8'), 'foo': 1},
#:  {'_id': ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efff9'), 'foo': 2},
#:  {'_id': ObjectId('56b2a592dfcce9001a6efffa'), 'foo': 3},
#:  {'_id': ObjectId('56b2a61cdfcce9001a6efffd'), 'foo': 4}]

What I want, is to be able to reliably figure out what Id's were inserted in order. Something Like:

#: [ObjectId('56b2a61cdfcce9001a6efffd'),
#:  None, # or maybe even some specific error for this point.
#:  None]

Setting ordered=False still gives the error so r2 won't be initialized, (and it won't reliably return the ids in the order I gave anyway).

Is there any option here?

like image 207
SCB Avatar asked Feb 04 '16 01:02


2 Answers

pymongo sets the _id field at client side, before sending it to the server. It modifies the documents you pass in place.

This means that all the documents you pass are left with the _id field set -- the successful ones and the failed ones.

So you just need to figure out which ones are successful. This can be done like @Austin explained.

Something like:

docs = [{'foo': 1}, {'foo': 2}, {'foo': 3}]
    r = db.test.insert_many(docs)
except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as exc:
    inserted_ids = [ doc['_id'] for doc in docs if not is_failed(doc, exc) ]
    inserted_ids = r.inserted_ids

is_failed(doc, exc) can be implemented by searching doc in the list of failed documents in the exception details, as explained by @Austin.

like image 173
shx2 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


Catch the thrown exception. At least according to this site, the returned error details includes the bad record. That should enable you to determine the successful records.

like image 38
aghast Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
