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Get HTML inside iframe using jQuery




Here is my situation.

I have a file called iframe.html, which contains the code to for a image slideshow. The code is somewhat like

<html>   <head>     <!-- Have added title and js files (jquery, slideshow.js) etc. -->   </head>    <body>     <!-- Contains the images which are rendered as slidehow. -->     <!-- have hierarchy like 'div' inside 'div' etc. -->   </body> </html> 

Users can use the embed code to add the slideshow to their blogs or websites (can be from different domains). Let's say a user has to embed the slideshow in index.html, they can add by adding following lines:

<iframe id="iframe" src="path_to_iframe.html" width="480" height="320" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe> 

This will bring the complete HTML code from iframe.html to index.html, now I need a way to access the elements in the iframe to adjust some of their properties.

Like in the code the width and the height of the iframe are set by the user to some fix dimensions. I would like to adjust the size of the slideshow (and images contained) to the size of the iframe container. What is the best way to do this?

I tried with no success to access the iframe components from index.html by something like


but get the error:

TypeError: Cannot call method 'contents' of null

So, I think to implement the logic in iframe.html where the slideshow should check the width and height of parent and set its height accordingly.

I am pretty much confused, hope my question makes sense to most. Please feel free to ask further explanation. Your help is appreciated.

like image 787
Ajit S Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 11:04

Ajit S

People also ask

How can I get iframe HTML code using jQuery?

# jQuery Code to Get HTML Content of IFrame$("#myButton"). on('click', function() { alert($("#myIframe"). contents(). find("html").

Can JavaScript access iframe content?

You could use . contents() method of jQuery. The . contents() method can also be used to get the content document of an iframe, if the iframe is on the same domain as the main page.

How do I access iframe elements?

Getting the element in Iframeconst iframe = document. getElementById("myIframe"); Now, it has and contentWindow property which returns the document object by using that we can access the elements from an Iframe. const iWindow = iframe.

2 Answers

This line will retrieve the whole HTML code of the frame. By using other methods instead of innerHTML you can traverse DOM of the inner document.


Thing to remember is that this will work only if the frame source is on the same domain. If it is from a different domain, cross-site-scripting (XSS) protection will kick in.

like image 143
Knaģis Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10


Try this code:


This will return all the html in your iframe. Instead of .find("html") you can use any selector you want eg: .find('body'),.find('div#mydiv').

like image 23
Chamara Keragala Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Chamara Keragala