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get height from the highest div and apply it to others


i have few divs with flexible height and fixed paddings so its being pretty difficult to have them all with same height,

i am trying like this:

    $('.LevelCnt_2,.LevelCnt_2 .content,.LevelCnt_1,.LevelCnt_1 .content').outerHeight( $('header:eq(0)').outerHeight() );


But the problem is that header is not allways the highest, so i need to

  • check wich one is higher (considering that there are more than one .content elements)

  • apply outerHeight to all of them

but i can't find a good/beautifull way (have one solution but i need to many if's and variables) to do this

any clue?


while waiting i came up with this


    var height = 0;
    $('.LevelCnt_2,.LevelCnt_2 .content,.LevelCnt_1,.LevelCnt_1 .content,header').each(function(){
         if($(this).outerHeight() > height){
            height = $(this).outerHeight();
    $('.LevelCnt_2,.LevelCnt_2 .content,.LevelCnt_1,.LevelCnt_1 .content,header').each(function(){



    console.log('highest height is '+height); //it doesn't output the highest value

but the most of those divs are in display:none is that the problem?

like image 434
Toni Michel Caubet Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 11:12

Toni Michel Caubet

1 Answers

Instead of adding display none, give them the class "hide" and use this.

    var height = 0;
        height = Math.max( height, $(this).outerHeight() )
    $('.LevelCnt_2,.LevelCnt_2 .content,.LevelCnt_1,.LevelCnt_1 .content').outerHeight(height);
like image 142
Adam Merrifield Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 23:01

Adam Merrifield