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Get handles to all windows of a process



In C# using the process class I can get the handle to the Main Window of a process but I need access to a window that is not the main window of its process. How can I get the handle to all of the windows of a process?

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RHicke Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 16:02


3 Answers

The EnumChildWindows function might help you out. The child windows could also have children and so on.

There is also GetWindow and EnumThreadWindows

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Cory Charlton Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10

Cory Charlton

You can P/Invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId() to get the thread ID for the UI thread that owns the main window. From there, you can find any other top-level window owned by that thread with EnumThreadWindows(). Any child windows (controls) owned by a top-level window can be found with EnumChildWindows(). Visit pinvoke.net for the necessary P/Invoke declarations.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10

Hans Passant

P/Invoking the EnumThreadWindows function of user32, the callback you provide would be given the handles of the windows for a given thread. Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads should return to you all the relevant threads with which to call EnumThreadWindows.

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Rich Frank Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

Rich Frank