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Get First And Last Day Of Year

In VBA I know you can use this syntax to subtract a year from a date

Dim testdate As String, DateTest As String
testdate= "03/21/2017"
DateTest = Month(testdate) & "/" & Day(testdate) & "/" & Year(testdate) - 1

But how could you find the first and last date of a given year? For example, let's use the same date

testdate = "03/21/2017"

and get the following values

firstdate = "01/01/2017"
lastdate = "12/31/2017"
like image 918
IcyPopTarts Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 23:12


2 Answers

You can use DateSerial:

Sub Test()

    Dim dt As Date, firstDay As Date, lastDay As Date

    dt = Date
    firstDay = DateSerial(Year(dt), 1, 1)
    lastDay = DateSerial(Year(dt), 12, 31)

    Debug.Print firstDay
    Debug.Print lastDay

End Sub
like image 196
Fadi Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 17:01


If it is always the beginning and the end of the year that interest you, you can just use the 1st of January and the 31st of december. To mimic your syntax :

Dim testdate As String, DateTest As String
testdate= "03/21/2017"
FirstDayOfYear = "1/1/" & Year(testdate)
LastDayOfYear = "12/31/" & Year(testdate) 
like image 41
WNG Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 19:01