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Get feature and class names into decision tree using export graphviz

Good Afternoon,

I am working on a decision tree classifier and am having trouble visualizing it. I can output the decision tree, however I cannot get my feature or class names/labels into it. My data is in a pandas dataframe format which I then move into a numpy array and pass to the classifier. I've tried a few things, but just seem to error out on the export when I try and specify class names. Any help would be appreciated. Code is below.


 testing_classes) = train_test_split(all_inputs, all_classes,train_size=0.75, random_state=1)


export_graphviz(decision_tree_classifier, out_file="mytree.dot",  

LIke I said, it runs fine and outputs a decision tree viz if I take out the feature_names and class_names parameters. I'd like to include them in the output though if possible and have hit a wall...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



like image 604
sokeefe1014 Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 17:09


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The scikit-learn (sklearn) library added a new function that allows us to plot the decision tree without GraphViz. So we can use the plot_tree function with the matplotlib library.

1 Answers

The class names are stored in decision_tree_classifier.classes_, i.e. the classes_ attribute of your DecisionTreeClassifier instance. And the feature names should be the columns of your input dataframe. For your case you will have

class_names = decision_tree_classifier.classes_
feature_names = df.columns[14:]
like image 114
maxymoo Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10
