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Get Facebook user's profile picture prior to authenticating app


I am working on a website that connects to Facebook through the Graph API. I was asked whether I can get a user's profile picture if they are already logged into Facebook, but prior to the user authenticating the app. Is this possible?

EDIT: I know you can get people's profile picture by going to http://graph.facebook.com/USERNAME_OR_USERID/picture?type=large, but would I be able to get a user's username or ID if they are logged into Facebook, but have not authorized my app?


According to the Facebook API User documentation, you can get their Facebook ID without an access_token, and I know if you go directly to a user's /me URL you can see their basic information. With the Facebook ID, I can grab their profile pic.

However, when I try to call it from the website using the following code, I get an OAuthException error.

FB.api('/me', function(response) {

I'm guessing that they have to authenticate the app, but I'm looking to see if I may have missed a way of getting their profile pic.

Thanks for your help!

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Paul Sham Avatar asked Dec 15 '11 23:12

Paul Sham

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2 Answers

You can get everyone's Facebook profile picture without authentication.

You just call http://graph.facebook.com/USERID/picture?type=large. This URL redirects you to image URL.

Edit: Querying by username is not allowed anymore, so I updated USERNAME_OR_USERID as USERID.

like image 194
Hüseyin Cevizci Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Hüseyin Cevizci

yes you can get..

like image 23
Naseer Panhwer Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Naseer Panhwer