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Get existing table using SQLAlchemy MetaData

I have a table that already exists:

USERS_TABLE = Table("users", META_DATA,
                    Column("id", Integer, Sequence("user_id_seq"), primary_key=True),
                    Column("first_name", String(255)),
                    Column("last_name", String(255))

I created this table by running this:

CONN = create_engine(DB_URL, client_encoding="UTF-8")
META_DATA = MetaData(bind=CONN, reflect=True)
# ... table code
META_DATA.create_all(CONN, checkfirst=True)

the first time it worked and I was able to create the table. However, the 2nd time around I got this error:

sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table 'users' is already defined for this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to redefine options and columns on an existing Table object.

which makes sense since the table users already exists. I'm able to see if the table exists like so:

TABLE_EXISTS = CONN.dialect.has_table(CONN, "users")

However, how do I actually get the existing table object? I can't find this anywhere in the documentation. Please help.

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dopatraman Avatar asked May 26 '17 04:05


People also ask

What is MetaData in SQLAlchemy?

The MetaData is an object which consists of Table objects keyed to their string names. The syntax of creating a MetaData object is as below: from sqlalchemy import MetaData metadata_obj=MetaData() A single MetaData object is enough for an entire application.

What does base MetaData Create_all do?

create_all() creates foreign key constraints between tables usually inline with the table definition itself, and for this reason it also generates the tables in order of their dependency.

How fetch data is used in SQLAlchemy?

To select data from a table via SQLAlchemy, you need to build a representation of that table within SQLAlchemy. If Jupyter Notebook's response speed is any indication, that representation isn't filled in (with data from your existing database) until the query is executed. You need Table to build a table.

How do I get column names in SQLAlchemy?

To access the column names we can use the method keys() on the result. It returns a list of column names. Since, we queried only three columns, we can view the same columns on the output as well.

2 Answers

We have 3 different approaches here:

  • assume that required tables have been created already, reflecting them and getting with MetaData.tables dictionary field like

    from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine
    CONN = create_engine(DB_URL, client_encoding="UTF-8")
    META_DATA = MetaData(bind=CONN, reflect=True)
    USERS_TABLE = META_DATA.tables['users']
  • removing reflect flag from MetaData object initialization, because we don't use it and moreover – trying to create tables that've been already reflected:

    from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, Sequence, create_engine
    CONN = create_engine('sqlite:///db.sql')
    META_DATA = MetaData(bind=CONN)
    USERS_TABLE = Table("users", META_DATA,
                        Column("id", Integer, Sequence("user_id_seq"), primary_key=True),
                        Column("first_name", String(255)),
                        Column("last_name", String(255))
    META_DATA.create_all(CONN, checkfirst=True)
  • assuming that we are keeping reflected table if it was previously created by setting in Table object initializer keep_existing flag to True:

    from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, Sequence, create_engine
    CONN = create_engine('sqlite:///db.sql')
    META_DATA = MetaData(bind=CONN, reflect=True)
    USERS_TABLE = Table("users", META_DATA,
                        Column("id", Integer, Sequence("user_id_seq"), primary_key=True),
                        Column("first_name", String(255)),
                        Column("last_name", String(255)),
    META_DATA.create_all(CONN, checkfirst=True)

Which one to choose? Depends on your use case, but I prefer second one since it looks like you aren't using reflection, also it is simplest modification: just removing flag from MetaData initializer.

P. S.

we can always make reflection after initialization of MetaData object with MetaData.reflect method:


also we can specify which tables to reflect with only parameter (may be any iterable of str objects):


and many more.

like image 114
Azat Ibrakov Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Azat Ibrakov

This works for me pretty well -

import sqlalchemy as db

engine = db.create_engine("your_connection_string")

meta_data = db.MetaData(bind=engine)

USERS = meta_data.tables['users']

# View the columns present in the users table

# You can run sqlalchemy queries
query = db.select([

result = engine.execute(query).fetchall()

Note that using reflect parameter in Metadata(bind=engine, reflect=True) is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Above code takes care of it.

like image 29
Amit Pathak Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09

Amit Pathak