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Get execution time of sql script in oracle sqlplus



I have a script that i use to load my data into my tables in Oracle (by a list of insert statements). How can i get the execution time of the entire loading process? I have tried with set timing on, but that gives me a duration for each insert statement and not the entire process. The script is shown below:

spo load.log
prompt '**** load data ****'
set termout off
set termout on
prompt '**** done ****'
spo off
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aweis Avatar asked Dec 06 '11 14:12


People also ask

How do you find the time taken to execute a query in Oracle?

Answer: For seeing the elapsed time for an individual query, you can see individual query response time in SQL*Plus with the "set timing on" command. For DBA's, Oracle has several tools for measuring system-wide response time using v$sysmetric, v$active_session_history, v$sqlarea and v$sysmetric_summary.

What is set timing on in Oracle?

It essentially records the clock time before and after the SQL command execution, then displays the run time difference. There are two fundamental shortcomings with this technique. First, its scope is a single command, so for a script of commands, the DBA adds up those numbers himself.

What is SQL execute elapsed time in Oracle?

The SQL execute elapsed time Oracle metric is the amount of elapsed time SQL statements are executing. Note that for SQL select statements this also includes the amount of time spent performing fetches of query results. Also see these important notes on measuring SQL ordered by elapsed time and Oracle DB time.

1 Answers

Not sure why everybody is making it so complex. Simple as:

SQL> set timing on
SQL> select 1 from dual;


1 row selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
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Jon Coulter Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10

Jon Coulter