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Get Element By using Class name

I want Element by using class name

Now I am using GWT 2.0

Please help me


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Tushar Ahirrao Avatar asked Aug 13 '10 16:08

Tushar Ahirrao

People also ask

How do you find an element with a specific class name?

Use the element. classList. contains() method to check if an element contains a specific class name.

Can we get element by class?

You may also call getElementsByClassName() on any element; it will return only elements which are descendants of the specified root element with the given class name(s).

How do you traverse through the elements selected by get elements by class name method?

getElementsByClassName method is to use the for-of loop. We call document. getElementsByClassName with 'slide' to return an HTML element collection object with all the divs. Then we use the for-of loop to loop through each item.

1 Answers


e: not supported natively in IE < 9, so you'd have to extend document / make a global function with something like this: http://robertnyman.com/2008/05/27/the-ultimate-getelementsbyclassname-anno-2008/ or use something like sizzle or jquery - thanks to comments below.

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dmp Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
