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Get DLNA informations with PHP





I've got a DLNA server on a Raspberry Pi (which works with miniDLNA). I've got another Raspberry Pi with a web server on it (using nGinx).

I'd like to get informations about my DLNA server with my PHP code on the web server (scann for DLNA servers, get list of files, etc.).

How can I do that? Is it possible to communicate with DLNA in PHP?

NOTE: I've found this: https://github.com/jalder/UPnP but it's not updated anymore and it doesn't work with miniDLNA 1.1.2 (Jessie). Plus I'd like to do it myself!

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Lord Grosse Jeanine Avatar asked Oct 12 '15 10:10

Lord Grosse Jeanine

1 Answers

DLNA is an alliance between companies, they use UPnP (Universal Plug And Play) to let their devices communicate with each other.

To do it yourself, you might want to look at GUPnP for which PHP has an extension http://php.net/manual/en/book.gupnp.php

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Thomas Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
