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get day of week from returned date from server



I'm retrieving a timestamp from a server as follows:

2016-03-08 15:30

I have an array to pass in to get the day of the week:

var dayNameArray = {
"0": "Sun",
"1": "Mon",
"2": "Tue",
"3": "Wed",
"4": "Thu",
"5": "Fri",
"6": "Sat"

How would I get this to say what the day of the week is? Thanks!

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Kody R. Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 01:03

Kody R.

2 Answers

Construct Date from string and use getDay method to get day number:

var myDate = new Date("2016-03-08 15:30");
var dayNum = myDate.getDay();

var dayNameArray = {
  "0": "Sun",
  "1": "Mon",
  "2": "Tue",
  "3": "Wed",
  "4": "Thu",
  "5": "Fri",
  "6": "Sat"
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Andriy Ivaneyko Avatar answered Mar 18 '23 21:03

Andriy Ivaneyko

A short version:

var date = new Date('2016-03-08 15:30'.replace(/\-/g, '/'));
var day = 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split(' ')[date.getDay()];


The current construction uses the split method, which is shorter than the regular array:

'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split(' ')

My suggestion is to replace all - with / for compatibility with more browsers. For more details please see "Why new Date() is always return null?" question and answers.

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Valentin Podkamennyi Avatar answered Mar 18 '23 21:03

Valentin Podkamennyi