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Get cursor position in a cell




I'm trying to create a custom right click menu in the formula bar (the one that appears when right clicking as you're inside a cell, typing for example). I have managed to get the button I want in my right click, but I can't find how to figure out where the cursor is located inside the cell.

For example, if the cursor is after the 5th character in the cell, how can I determine that either before or during the BeforeRightClick event occurs? The only thing I found was the opposite problem; placing the cursor in a specific part of the cell, using SendKeys:

'- Brian Baulsom September 2007
Sub test()
    Dim c As Integer
    c = 3
    Range("A1").Select      ' select cell
    SendKeys "{F2}", True   ' activate formula bar. cursor is to right of contents.
    '- move cursor 3 characters to the left in the formula bar
    '- or in the cell if Tools/Options/Edit .. "Edit directly in cell" is checked
    SendKeys "{LEFT " & CStr(c) & "}", True         ' ="{LEFT 3}"
End Sub
source: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/282172-setting-cursor-position-cell-text-using-visual-basic-applications.html

The end goal is to make it possible to insert some standard substrings while typing in the cell. For example I'd want to insert [hi this is standard string X-XXX-XXXX] by using the right click as I type in the cell.


I tried using sendkeys to send my string directly, but I just get a "ping" sound from Excel indicating it's not possible. This was what I had tried:

With fbar.Controls.add(Temporary:=True, Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
    .BeginGroup = False
    .FaceId = 267
    .Caption = wsLabels.GetLabel("rcRefMoM")
    .OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!'rcAddRef2 '"
End With

Function rcAddRef2()
    SendKeys (" [Ref:X \NAME]")
End Function

EDIT 2: Actually it doesn't even enter my rcAddRef2 function at all, it just pings straight away because I'm in edit mode. It doesn't activate a break point if I put one there. So Sendkeys may not be the problem, as much as getting the function to run.

It works fine in the Cell command bar if I try it, so I'm at a loss a bit:

'This runs
 With cbar.Controls.add(Temporary:=True, Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
    .BeginGroup = False
    .FaceId = 267
    .Caption = wsLabels.GetLabel("rcRefMoM")
    .OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!'rcAddRef2 '"
End With
like image 686
David G Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 10:11

David G

1 Answers

Once you're in cell edit mode you don't have events being fired into VBA. Although there might be some deeper Windows dll code you could insert, a much better option would be to use a UserForm with a TextBox object:


Specifically, you want to intercept the TextChanged event:


There are a few dozen events triggered on that Object, including KeyDown, KeyPress, and KeyUp so I'm sure you can find whatever is best for your scenario.

like image 56
Graham Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
