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Get CURRENT_USER in MySQL trigger returns incorrect value




I have an old application ( no source code available ) that connects to a productive MySQL database. Due to business reasons we have to limit the access to the database. For this reason I have written a MySQL Trigger that will limit the users who have access to the database based on a ID.

The users authenticate against the database through the application with their own ID and their private passwords.

The problem appears inside the trigger were I have a SELECT...WHERE clause and the WHERE clause equals to: SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER(), @, 1)

Basically each time a hit is done on a certain database / table by the user in the application I would like to capture that User ( which is also shows up in the Processes of MySQL server ) and based on the capture execute a SELECT statement which will return a UNIQUE ID for that given user. Based on that ID a IF check will be executed and access for saving data will be granted or revoked.

The problem is, even if I log in the application with User X the CURRENT_USER() function of MySQL somehow captures my domain user no matter what I do. It should capture the domain user that executes that trigger.

Full trigger:

DROP TRIGGER dbname.disable_order_insert_trigger;

use dbname$

CREATE TRIGGER disable_order_insert_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON 

    DECLARE compCode INT unsigned DEFAULT 0;        
    SET @compCode = 1;

    INTO @compCode
    FROM dbname.user_info_table
    WHERE dbname.user_info_table.USERID = SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER(), "@", 1) 
    AND dbname.user_info_table.COMPCODE = 1172 LIMIT 1; 
    SELECT CURRENT_USER() INTO OUTFILE 'C:\\temp\\compCode.txt';

IF @compCode = 1172 THEN 
    CALL something;



My colleague logged into the MySQL Database through the application using he's PC / username and still in the OUTFILE my username gets written. Shouldn't CURRENT_USER() capture his username ?

The version of MySQL Database is: 5.1.19-beta-community-nt-debug. I have also tried to leave the Definer trigger property empty, still only my username gets captured and written to the file.

like image 877
darksleep Avatar asked Aug 31 '17 10:08


People also ask

What happens if MySQL trigger fails?

For transactional tables, failure of a statement should cause rollback of all changes performed by the statement. Failure of a trigger causes the statement to fail, so trigger failure also causes rollback.

How do I change the definer of a trigger in MySQL?

Another variation on the theme utilizing an option in MySQL Workbench is to dump the entire database using "mysqldump", open the dump in a capable editor, find replace with desired "DEFINER", then import with MyQSL Workbench with the "Dump Structure Option" (v6. 2) selected on the import screen. Save this answer.

What is Definer in trigger?

The DEFINER clause specifies the MySQL account to be used when checking access privileges at trigger activation time. If the DEFINER clause is present, the user value should be a MySQL account specified as ' user_name '@' host_name ' , CURRENT_USER , or CURRENT_USER() .

1 Answers

Like wchiquto suggested, use USER() rather than CURRENT_USER().

In a sp, CURRENT_USER() presents the name of the sp's definer.

like image 88
O. Jones Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

O. Jones