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Get companion object of class by given generic type Scala

What I am trying to do is to make a function that would take a generic class and use a static method in it (sorry for Java language, I mean method of its companion object).

trait Worker {def doSth: Unit}  class Base  object Base extends Worker  // this actually wouldn't work, just to show what I'm trying to achieve def callSthStatic[T that companion object is <: Worker](implicit m: Manifest[T]) {   // here I want to call T.doSth (on T object)   m.getMagicallyCompanionObject.doSth } 

Any ideas?

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Wojtek Erbetowski Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 08:02

Wojtek Erbetowski

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1 Answers

A gist by Miles Sabin may give you a hint:

trait Companion[T] {   type C   def apply() : C }  object Companion {   implicit def companion[T](implicit comp : Companion[T]) = comp() }  object TestCompanion {   trait Foo    object Foo {     def bar = "wibble"      // Per-companion boilerplate for access via implicit resolution     implicit def companion = new Companion[Foo] {       type C = Foo.type       def apply() = Foo     }   }    import Companion._    val fc = companion[Foo]  // Type is Foo.type   val s = fc.bar           // bar is accessible } 

This should be compiled with the -Ydependent-method-types flag if using Scala 2.9.x.

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3 revs, 3 users 78% Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

3 revs, 3 users 78%