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Get Checkbox value in a table in JavaFX

I have a table and it has a column with checkboxes.

The output so far

On a button click I want to find out which checkboxes are checked and which are not. So far I managed to create checkboxes in a table. The code is as follows.

public class TTEs implements Initializable {

    private TableView<TestObject> tableReport;

    private TableColumn<TestObject, String> name;

    private TableColumn<TestObject, Boolean> checkbox;

    public void getValues() {        
        //the method will get what check boxes are checked (this part is the problem)

    public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1) { 
        ObservableList<TestObject> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
        data.add(new TestObject("Test 1", true));
        data.add(new TestObject("Test 2", false));


        name.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<TestObject, String>("name"));
        checkbox.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<TestObject, Boolean>("checked"));

        checkbox.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<TestObject, Boolean>,
            TableCell<TestObject, Boolean>>() {

            public TableCell<TestObject, Boolean> call(TableColumn<TestObject, Boolean> p) {
                return new CheckBoxTableCell<TestObject, Boolean>();

    //CheckBoxTableCell for creating a CheckBox in a table cell
    public static class CheckBoxTableCell<S, T> extends TableCell<S, T> {
        private final CheckBox checkBox;
        private ObservableValue<T> ov;

        public CheckBoxTableCell() {
            this.checkBox = new CheckBox();


        @Override public void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
            super.updateItem(item, empty);
            if (empty) {
            } else {
                if (ov instanceof BooleanProperty) {
                    checkBox.selectedProperty().unbindBidirectional((BooleanProperty) ov);
                ov = getTableColumn().getCellObservableValue(getIndex());
                if (ov instanceof BooleanProperty) {
                    checkBox.selectedProperty().bindBidirectional((BooleanProperty) ov);

When I debug, I find that:

        ov = getTableColumn().getCellObservableValue(getIndex());
        if (ov instanceof BooleanProperty) {
            checkBox.selectedProperty().bindBidirectional((BooleanProperty) ov);

In the above condition, it never goes inside the if statement, meaning that the ov is not an instance of BooleanProperty. But when I print the class of ov,


it prints as


ReadOnlyObjectWrapper is a subclass of BooleanProperty, so why is the instanceof check not working?

like image 468
Ravindu Avatar asked Jan 02 '14 08:01


People also ask

How to get value from CheckBox in JavaFX?

We obtain the value from the check boxes group through the Java isSelected() function. We can know which check box(es) are selected through the isSelected() function. And we can do this for each check box to check whether it is selected or not. The full Java code is shown below.

What does getItems () do JavaFX?

getItems. Returns an ObservableList that contains the items currently being shown to the user. This may be null if setItems(javafx.

1 Answers

Tested on Java 8.
Only 4 simple things.

1) Make CheckBoxCellFactory class. Put somewhere in your project.

public class CheckBoxCellFactory implements Callback {
    public TableCell call(Object param) {
        CheckBoxTableCell<Person,Boolean> checkBoxCell = new CheckBoxTableCell();
        return checkBoxCell;

2) Your model class. Person for example.

public static class Person {
   private SimpleBooleanProperty checked = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
   // other columns here

    public SimpleBooleanProperty checkedProperty() {
        return this.checked;

    public java.lang.Boolean getChecked() {
        return this.checkedProperty().get();

    public void setChecked(final java.lang.Boolean checked) {

    // getter/setter for other columns


3) Made modifications in your fxml file. The section of your TableView -> TableColumn gonna look like this:

<TableColumn fx:id="checkBoxTableColumn" maxWidth="34.0" minWidth="26.0" prefWidth="34.0" resizable="false" sortable="false">   
<cellValueFactory><PropertyValueFactory property="checked" /></cellValueFactory>
<cellFactory><partarch.fx.CheckBoxCellFactory /></cellFactory>

4) If you want to make your checkbox being editable

  • 4.1 Open fxml in the Scene Builder.
  • 4.2 Select checkBox column and then check "Editable" property in the Properties pane.
  • 4.3 Select TableView containing your checkbox and do the same(check "Editable" property in the Properties pane).

Implementation in binaries on SF and source on GitHub

like image 196
gotozero Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
