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Get changes from master into branch in Git

In my repository I have a branch called aq which I'm working on.

I then committed new work and bugs in master.

What is the best way to get those commits into the aq branch? Create another new branch out of master and merge it with aq?

like image 764
Slee Avatar asked Mar 17 '11 14:03


People also ask

Does git pull on branch pull from master?

git merge updates the current branch with the corresponding remote tracking branch. Using git pull , you get both parts of these updates. But, this means that if you are checked out to feature branch and you execute git pull , when you checkout to master , any new updates will not be included.

1 Answers

Check out the aq branch, and rebase from master.

git checkout aq git rebase master 
like image 92
Douglas F Shearer Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Douglas F Shearer