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Get call on errors on top level?

When I use tryCatch, I can define an error handler and use conditionCall to determine the call that caused the error. For instance,

    error=function(e) {
      cl <- conditionCall(e)

Can I get to the bad call on the R prompt? Until now, I found only this solution:

> err_hdl  <- function() {
    file1 <- tempfile("Rrawhist")
    rawhist <- readLines(file1)

    cat("Error : ", tail(rawhist,1), "\n")
> options(error=err_hdl)
> prnit("Hello")

but I believe there must be a more straightforward way..

Any hint appreciated!

I put out a bounty. The first answer that implements the behaviour of the err_hdl function above without file I/O that is platform independent will be accepted.

Edit -- the code above seems only to work on windows. I am looking for the input that raised the error.

like image 671
Karsten W. Avatar asked Jun 23 '12 21:06

Karsten W.

1 Answers

It looks like dump.frames can be told not to dump to a file but rather to an object in the .GlobalEnv. However, I haven't tested it on anything but a Mac. Would the following help?

err_hdl2 <- function() {
  dump.frames("theErr", to.file = FALSE)
  cat("What happened?\n", attr(theErr,"error.message"), "\nOh.\n")
options(error = err_hdl2)

> prnit(dt)
Error: could not find function "prnit"
What happened?
 Error: could not find function "prnit"


There might be a drawback to creating the object theErr in the global environment, I suppose.

> theErr
$`function () 
    dump.frames("theErr", to.file = FALSE)
<environment: 0x1030fe140>

[1] "Error: could not find function \"prnit\"\n"
[1] "dump.frames"
like image 185
BenBarnes Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
