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Get attribute values by BeautifulSoup

I want to get all data-js attribute values from the content by BeautifulSoup.


<p data-js="1, 2, 3">some text..</p><p data-js="5">some 1 text</p><p data-js="4"> some 2 text. </p>


['1, 2, 3', '5', '4']

I've done it with lxml:

>>> content = """<p data-js="1, 2, 3">some text..</p><p data-js="5">some 1 text</p><p data-js="4"> some 2 text. </p>"""
>>> import lxml.html as PARSER
>>> root = PARSER.fromstring(content)
>>> root.xpath("//*/@data-js")
['1, 2, 3', '5', '4']

I want the above result via BeautifulSoup.

like image 719
Vivek Sable Avatar asked Jan 08 '23 04:01

Vivek Sable

1 Answers

The idea would to find all elements having data-js attributes and collect them in a list:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

data = """
<p data-js="1, 2, 3">some text..</p><p data-js="5">some 1 text</p><p data-js="4"> some 2 text. </p>

soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
print [elm['data-js'] for elm in soup.find_all(attrs={"data-js": True})]

Prints ['1, 2, 3', '5', '4'].

like image 56
alecxe Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 22:01
