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Get all local variables or available methods from irb?


When I go into irb and type in a command that does not exist I get an error stating

"undefined local variable or method 'my_method' for main:Object (NameError)" 

Is there a way to just get a list of what local variables or methods ARE available? This would be really useful for exploring ruby.

like image 627
George Mauer Avatar asked Apr 25 '11 03:04

George Mauer

2 Answers

Look for methods in the Kernel, Object and Module : e.g. local_variables, instance_methods, instance_variables.

Other great methods in there. inspect is another one.

like image 199
Zabba Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


Great answers.
As you explore, you have these at your disposal:

obj.private_methods  obj.public_methods  obj.protected_methods  obj.singleton_methods 


MyClass.private_instance_methods  MyClass.protected_instance_methods  MyClass.public_instance_methods 

Usage like :


Can make review easier too.

Some special cases exist like


... will give you only the instance methods defined in the String class, omitting the classes it inherited from any ancestors. As I expect you know, you can see more here: http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ but it's not as fun as inspecting and reflecting in irb.

Happy exploring -


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Perry Horwich Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Perry Horwich