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Get all git commits since last tag

git log <yourlasttag>..HEAD ?

If you want them like in your example, on the one line with commit id + message, then

git log <yourlasttag>..HEAD --oneline

and in case you don't know your latest tag or want this to be dynamic, on windows you could do

for /f "delims=" %a in ('git describe --tags --abbrev^=0') do @set latesttag=%a
git log %latesttag%..HEAD --oneline

and on linux / git bash / windows bash

git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --oneline

Also, if you have a case where you know a tag in history and want to print everything from that tag up to current situation, you might want to add also --decorate so it would print out any tags in between.

If your current commit is also a tag and you want to dynamically get the changes since the previous tag, without knowing the latest tag nor previous tag name, you can do:

git log --oneline $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 @^)..@

Note that @ is short for HEAD.