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Get all c# Types that implements an interface first but no derived classes




related to Getting all types that implement an interface we can easily get all Types in the Assembly that implements a specific interface.


interface IFace

class Face : IFace

class TwoFace : Face

For this structure, we will find both classes via reflection, i.e. all classes that are derived from the first implementation too, using

  type => type.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IFace))

So the question is: how can I restrict the result to the base class that initially implements the interface?! In this example: only class type Face is relevant.

like image 438
childno͡.de Avatar asked May 19 '14 10:05


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1 Answers

Firstly, I'd use Type.IsAssignableFrom rather than GetInterfaces, but then all you need to do is exclude types whose parent type is already in the set:

var allClasses = types.Where(type => typeof(IFace).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                      .ToList(); // Or use a HashSet, for better Contains perf.
var firstImplementations = allClasses
      .Except(allClasses.Where(t => allClasses.Contains(t.BaseType)));

Or as noted in comments, equivalently:

var firstImplementations = allClasses.Where(t => !allClasses.Contains(t.BaseType));

Note that this will not return a class which derives from a class which implements an interface, but reimplements it.

like image 57
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Jon Skeet