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Get a random element from a sequential collection




I talk to an API that gives me an java.util.Iterator over a collection. That means I can iterate over it but I can't get direct/random access to the elements.

Now to my problem: I want to get one random element from this collection. How do i do that? I guess I could build a new collection that allows direct access, but isn't that a little memory consuming? I could also iterate over the entire collection and for each element "roll a dice" to see if I should take that element and quit iteration or continue. But then I need the size of the collection and I can't get that from the Iterator.

Thanks in advance.

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Sven Avatar asked Jan 04 '11 16:01


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1 Answers

There's a way to do it on one pass through the collection that doesn't use a lot of extra memory (just the size of one element of the collection plus a float). In pseudocode:

  • Iterate through the collection.
  • For each item, generate a random float.
  • If the float is the lowest (or highest, it doesn't matter) one you've seen so far, store the current item from the collection in a temporary variable. (Also store the new lowest random value.)
  • Once you reach the end of the collection, you have a random item in the temp variable.

Obviously this has the drawback of iterating through the entire collection every time you call it, but you don't have a lot of choice with the constraints you're facing.

Update: The name of this type of problem finally came back to me. This is called Reservoir sampling.

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Bill the Lizard Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Bill the Lizard