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Generic Type Inference in C#

Let's say there are these generic types in C#:

class Entity<KeyType>
    public KeyType Id { get; private set; }

interface IRepository<KeyType, EntityType> where EntityType : Entity<KeyType>
    EntityType Get(KeyType id);

and these concrete types:

class Person : Entity<int> { ... }

interface IPersonRepository : IRepository<int, Person> { ... }

Now the definition of PersonRepository is redundant: the fact that the KeyType of Person is int is stated explicitly, although it can be deduced from the fact that Person is a subtype of Entity<int>.

It would be nice to be able to define IPersonRepository like this:

interface IPersonRepository : IRepository<Person> { ... }

and let the compiler figure out that the KeyType is int. Is it possible?

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proskor Avatar asked Sep 22 '14 09:09


1 Answers

No, C#'s type system is not sufficiently advanced to express what you want. The feature needed is called higher kinded type which are often found in strongly typed functional languages (Haskell, OCaml, Scala).

Working our way back, you want to be able to write

interface IRepository<EntityType<EntityKey>> {
  EntityType<EntityKey> Get(KeyType id);

interface PersonRepository : IRepository<Person> {
  Person Get(Int id);

but in C# there is no way to express the kind EntityType or, in other words, that the type parameter has some generic parameter and use that generic parameter in your code.

Side note: The Repository pattern is Evil and must die in a fire.

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Martijn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
