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Generic Method issue/bug?




Can anyone explain me this issue?

the only way to get this working, is to use the virtual in the CorrectName and then override in the Derived one, instead of new keyword, but, WHY is this happening?

WHY if I cast by generic it gives me the Base value, and if I cast it directly it gives me Derived value? ((Output is below))

Thanks guys, as I've said you, I already got the "solution", but I want to UNDERSTAND

    class Base
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string CorrectName { get { return Name; } }
    class Derived : Base
        public new string CorrectName { get { return "NEW" + Name; } }
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Derived> container = new List<Derived>();

        var d = new Derived() { Name = "NameDerived2" };



    static void Search<T>(List<T> list) where T : Base
        foreach (var el in list)
            Console.WriteLine("No Cast -->" + el.CorrectName);
            Console.WriteLine("Generic Cast -->" + (el as T).CorrectName);
            Console.WriteLine("Direct Cast -->" + (el as Derived).CorrectName);


No Cast -->NameDerived2

Generic Cast -->NameDerived2

Direct Cast -->NEWNameDerived2


el is Derived == true
el.GetType().Equals(typeof(Derived)) == true
el.GetType().Equals(typeof(T)) == true
el.GetType().Equals(typeof(Base)) == false
typeof(T).Equals(typeof(Base)) == false
typeof(T).Equals(typeof(Derived)) == true
like image 607
Luca Trazzi Avatar asked Oct 06 '22 13:10

Luca Trazzi

1 Answers

Without the virtual keyword, the method in the base class is not overridden, but "hidden" by the new implementation. You're also enforcing this by using the new keyword in Derived. As you said in your generic method declaration, any T passed to the method must be of type Base, so every T is cast to Base.

What happens now is that when you don't use virtual, you lose polymorphism, that means, even though the object is actually of type Derived, but cast to Base, the Base implementation of CorrectName is called, not - as you'd expect - the new implementation in Derived.

This is only called when you explicitly cast your object to Derived.

This has also been discussed and described here: virtual keyword in c#

Another link that might help you understand the difference between virtual and non-virtual methods could be this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_method_table

like image 132
Thorsten Dittmar Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10

Thorsten Dittmar