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Generation of documentation comments in AppCode 3.0 like in IntelliJ


Is there any way in AppCode 3.0 to generate documentation comments like in IntelliJ?

For example, in IntelliJ I can type a method:

public int method(float number){
    // magic

And when above it, I will type: /**, IDE will generate me code like this:

* @param number
* @return
public int method(float number){
    // magic 

In AppCode 3.0 after doing similar trick, I only get something like this:

- (int)method:(float)number;

I have checked Preferences/Smart Keys/Insert documentation comment stub and it is checked.

like image 736
Apan Avatar asked May 25 '14 19:05


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1 Answers

The feature wasn't available in AppCode 3.0, but has been added in version 2016.2 so upgrading will fix your issue. From the release notes:

Generate documentation comments for Objective-C/C++ methods in no time, simply by pressing /**, /*! or /// and have parameter names inserted into the comment stub automatically.

like image 80
Roy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
