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Generating signed apk. Error:(7) [MissingTranslation] in build/generated/res/generated/release/values/generated.xml

The problem is odd. I'm trying to add a String directly in build.gradle because I need it to use Tray library (https://github.com/grandcentrix/tray). In my first project everything went fine. In the second project it's a little bit more complicated. I'm using gradle:1.2.3 and while exporting signed apk there is a MissingTranslation error.


applicationId "some.app.id"
resValue "string", "tray__authority", "${applicationId}.tray"

build error

Error:(7) Error: "tray__authority" is not translated in "pl" (Polish) [MissingTranslation]
<string name="tray__authority">some.app.id.tray</string>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY -->

    <!-- Values from default config. -->
    <string name="tray__authority">some.app.id.tray</string>


There are a few similar questions but all of them are related to strings.xml and it's suggested to


or just translatable="false"

I cannot do it because the file is auto-generated. How can I force gradle to ignore the error? I tried to change inspection settings and make it a warning but gradle is ignoring my settings.

I know it's a bug (https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=152198) but I don't know how to resolve it. All the answers I found don't work.

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koras Avatar asked Jul 10 '15 21:07


2 Answers

Well, I solved this. It has to be said that the error is strange. It never appeared before, only the latest gradle version has the problem. I found out that generating a signed apk ignores our inspection settings (Android Studio) and it's impossible to generate a production release.

Just ignore it in the right place! Here: build.gradle

android {
    // defaultConfig, buildTypes, etc.

    lintOptions {
        disable 'MissingTranslation'

The solution should be used with awareness that all the missing translations will be just ignored so I recommend to comment it, double check what is missing and finally uncomment it when everything is as intended ;)

I hope it helped somebody. Very annoying thing.

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koras Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


In Android Studio, go to Settings/Inspections/Android lint, in the search box type "missingtranslation", then select "info" instead of "error" on the lower right. Or uncheck the thing altogether.

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Christine Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09
