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Generating power set recursively without any loops

How do you write a recursive method PowerSet(String input) that prints out all possible combinations of a string that is passed to it?

For example: PowerSet("abc") will print out abc, ab, ac, bc, a, b, c

I have seen some recursive solutions with loops, but in this case no loops are allowed.

Any ideas?

Edit: The required method has only one parameter, i.e. String input.

like image 798
uohzxela Avatar asked Mar 19 '13 11:03


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How do you create a power set of a set?

For a given set S , the power set can be found by generating all binary numbers between 0 and 2n-1 , where n is the size of the set. For example, for the set S {x, y, z} , generate binary numbers from 0 to 23-1 and for each number generated, the corresponding set can be found by considering set bits in the number.

Can recursive functions have for loops?

You surely can use loops in a recursive function. What makes a function recursive is only the fact that the function calls itself at some point in its execution path. However you should have some condition to prevent infinite recursion calls from which your function can't return.

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So no, every problem that can be solved iterative can be solved with recursion and vice-versa. If you do 1:1 conversion, Big-O notation stays the same. It can, however, still be better to use an iterative algorithm over a recursive because you can do different things.

4 Answers

The powerset of abcd is the union of the power-sets of abc, abd, acd (plus the set abcd itself*).

 P(`abcd`) = {`abcd`} + P(`abc`) + P(`abd`) + P(`acd`) + P(`bcd`)

* Note that the empty set, which is a member of P(abcd) is also a member of P(abc), P(abd), ... so the equivalence stated above holds.

Recursively, P(abc) = {abc} + P(ab) + P(ac), and so on

A first approach, in pseudocode, could be:

powerset(string) {
  add string to set;
  for each char in string {
   let substring = string excluding char,
   add powerset(substring) to set
  return set;      

The recursion ends when the string is empty (because it never enters the loop).

If your really want no loops, you will have to convert that loop to another recursion. Now we want to generate ab, ac and cb from abc

powerset(string) {
  add string to set;
  add powerset2(string,0) to set;
  return set

powerset2(string,pos) {
  if pos<length(string) then
    let substring = (string excluding the char at pos)
    add powerset(substring) to set
    add powerset2(string,pos+1) to set
    add "" to set
  return set

Another approach implement a recursive function P that either removes the first character from its argument, or does not. (Here + means set union, . means concatenation and λ is the empty string)

P(abcd) = P(bcd) + a.P(bcd)
P(bcd)  = P(cd)  + b.P(cd)
P(cd)   = P(d)   + c.P(d)
P(d)    = λ+d //particular case


P(d)    = λ+d
R(cd)   = P(d)  + c.P(d)  = λ + d + c.(λ+d) = λ + d + c + cd
R(bcd)  = P(cd) + b.P(cd) = λ + d + c + cd + b.(λ + d + c + cd)
                          = λ + d + c + cd + b + bd + bc + bcd
P(abcd) =  λ +  d +  c +  cd +  b +  bd +  bc +  bcd 
        + aλ + ad + ac + acd + ab + abd + abc + abcd 

If loops were allowed, then P is out power-set function. Otherwise, we would need a one-parameter loopless function for concatenating a given character to a given set of strings (which obviously are two things).

Some tweak could be possible by playing with String.replace (if a String result is desired, or by replacing Set with List (so that the "additional" parameter is actually the first element in the list).

like image 76
Javier Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


This will also do the trick:

var powerset = function(arr, prefix, subsets) {
  subsets = subsets || [];
  prefix = prefix || [];
  if (arr.length) {
    powerset(arr.slice(1), prefix.concat(arr[0]), subsets);
    powerset(arr.slice(1), prefix, subsets);
  } else {
  return subsets;

like image 34
Nima Mehanian Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Nima Mehanian

Well if you don't have loops, emulate one with recursion, using iterators this is acutally quite simple.

    public final Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet(Set<Integer> set) {
        Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet = new HashSet<>();
        powerSet(set, powerSet, set.iterator());
        return powerSet;
    public final void powerSet(Set<Integer> set, Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet, Iterator<Integer> iterator) {
        if(iterator.hasNext()) {
            Integer exlude = iterator.next();
            Set<Integer> powThis = new HashSet<Integer>();
            powerSet(powThis, powerSet, powThis.iterator());
            powerSet(set, powerSet, iterator);
        Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
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Sebastian van Wickern Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Sebastian van Wickern

A recursive version of the generic solution proposed by João Silva :

public static <T> Set<Set<T>> powerSet2(Set<T> originalSet) {
    Set<Set<T>> sets = new HashSet<Set<T>>();
    if (originalSet.isEmpty()) {
        sets.add(new HashSet<T>());
        return sets;
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(originalSet);
    T head = list.get(0);
    Set<T> rest = new HashSet<T>(list.subList(1, list.size()));
    addSets(sets, powerSet(rest), head);
    return  sets;

private static <T> void addSets(Set<Set<T>> sets, Set<Set<T>> setsToAdd, T head) {
    Iterator<Set<T>> iterator = setsToAdd.iterator();
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Set<T> set = iterator.next();
        Set<T> newSet = new HashSet<T>();
        addSets(sets, setsToAdd, head);

I extract the recursive addSets method to transform the original for loop:

for (Set<T> set : powerSet(rest)) {
    Set<T> newSet = new HashSet<T>();
like image 30
gontard Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
