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Generating models and migrations for an engine

So I'm working on a new project that seems like a great choice for using the new Engine functionality. It's as engines say, its own little app, w/ its own views and controllers and models. Here's where I'm coming up short.

I create my test application in which I will mount the new engine.

rails new engine_app && cd engine_app

I then create the new engine

rails plugin new my_engine --mountable

I then add the 'gem' to the engine_app's gemfile

gem 'my_engine', :path => './my_engine'

I then mount the engine in engine_app's routes as so

mount MyEngine::Engine, :at => '/my_engine'

I then cd into my_engine's dummy app and run

rails generate model MyModel title:string body:text

Here's where I run into my confusion. From what I understand this is supposed to generate a namespace table (I think it would be my_engine_my_model). The table in the migration file is just my_model.

Secondly how do I run this migration and is the migration file correct in only calling the table :my_model? I have tried running the following but nothing seems to happen, and I've checked the database and the table isn't there.

So to recap, I need to know how to create migrations in the engine, and be able to run them on the parent apps database correctly.

Thanks for any help and guidance.

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kwbock Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 00:10


People also ask

What are migrations in Rails?

A Rails migration is a tool for changing an application's database schema. Instead of managing SQL scripts, you define database changes in a domain-specific language (DSL). The code is database-independent, so you can easily move your app to a new platform.

How does a Rails engine work?

Rails looks first in the application's ( test/dummy ) app/views directory and then in the engine's app/views directory. When it can't find it, it will throw this error. The engine knows to look for blorgh/comments/_comment because the model object it is receiving is from the Blorgh::Comment class.

1 Answers

So all of the tutorials I read didn't specify that you needed to run script/rails generate from within the root level of your engine. I kept seeing references telling me to goto the test/dummy app. After running script/rails generate model [fields] from the root of my engine it created the appropriate model, migration rake task and i was able to run

rake my_engine:install:migrations; rake db:migrate

to run the migrations

like image 112
kwbock Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
