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Generating graphs in a RubyOnRails application

I am wondering what other people have found to be the best graphing libraries/plug-ins/gems etc for a rails app.

When I say best, I guess I mean ease of implementation and the ability to customize the graphs.

I have previously used openflashchart2 and loved the overall look/effects it has, although customizing everything as required was sometimes a pain. Do you have an experience or suggestions for pointing me in a better direction? Many Thanks.

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tsdbrown Avatar asked May 07 '09 11:05


2 Answers

For simple locally generated graphs, check out Gruff.

Also worth a look are some of the various Google Charts ruby libs, googlecharts being one.

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Douglas F Shearer Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Douglas F Shearer

I use protochart, which is a prototype charting library. I prefer it to the server side stuff, because it does not add as much stress to the server, and I think the charts look better and the API is easier to work with.


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Scott Miller Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Scott Miller