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Generating getServingUrl() in google cloud storage with NodeJs sdk

I am using google cloud storage for storing images and also I have server running on NodeJs.

I want to generate for every image the servingUrl(aka magicUrl) which would on the fly generate images of different sizes(see more https://medium.com/google-cloud/uploading-resizing-and-serving-images-with-google-cloud-platform-ca9631a2c556#.1jtzu5kuo)

I tried using gcloud sdk to generate that, but I couldn't find anywhere getServingUrl.

like image 493
Vladimir Gabrielyan Avatar asked Nov 01 '16 14:11

Vladimir Gabrielyan

1 Answers

You seem to be confusing Google App Engine and Google Cloud Storage. The get_serving_url() method is only available in the Google App Engine SDK for Python, and is currently not available in the Google Cloud Client Library for Node.js.

like image 60
atimothee Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09
