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Generating Bitcoin address from ECDSA Public Key

I'm writing simple code in C++ using OpenSSL to generate valid bitcoin address - private key pair.

I'm using this snippet to generate public key from given hex-form private key:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>

int main()
     EC_KEY *eckey = NULL;
     EC_POINT *pub_key = NULL;
     const EC_GROUP *group = NULL;
     BIGNUM start;
     BIGNUM *res;
     BN_CTX *ctx;

     ctx = BN_CTX_new(); // ctx is an optional buffer to save time from allocating and deallocating memory whenever required

     res = &start;
     eckey = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1);
     group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey);
     pub_key = EC_POINT_new(group);

     EC_KEY_set_private_key(eckey, res);

     /* pub_key is a new uninitialized `EC_POINT*`.  priv_key res is a `BIGNUM*`. */
     if (!EC_POINT_mul(group, pub_key, res, NULL, NULL, ctx))
       printf("Error at EC_POINT_mul.\n");

     EC_KEY_set_public_key(eckey, pub_key);

     char *cc = EC_POINT_point2hex(group, pub_key, 4, ctx);

     char *c=cc;

     int i;

     for (i=0; i<130; i++) // 1 byte 0x42, 32 bytes for X coordinate, 32 bytes for Y coordinate
       printf("%c", *c++);




     return 0;

What I want is to transform this Public Key to bitcoin address - what is the fastest way to achieve it? I don't know how to create RIPEMD160 from OpenSSL's BIGNUM. Or maybe there is another, better solution?

like image 410
TigerInALoop Avatar asked Jul 16 '13 09:07


1 Answers

Assuming what you're doing is based on this conversion:

enter image description here

I'll describe what you can do in pseudo-code:

First extract x, y from public key.

// get x and y from Public key "point"
EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key, x, y, ctx);
// convert BIGNUMs x, y into binary form

Next you need to do message digest several times, including 3 sha256 and 1 ripemd160. In the following pseudo-code I'll show you how to do ripemd160. To do sha256 with EVP_MD, just replace EVP_ripemd160() with EVP_sha256(), and update (input to EVP_MD) your input message with single or several EVP_DigestUpdate().

EVP_DigestInit(&md_ctx, EVP_ripemd160());
// hdr = 0x04
// put message degest into dgst and set length to dgstlen

Or the easier way, call sha256() and ripemd160() directly. But you need to prepare your input message before calling hash functions sha256() or ripemd160().

The 25-byte binary address is the result of ripemd160, together with the first 4 bytes of 32-byte checksum. You need to find a way to convert it from Base 256 to Base 58. I don't think OpenSSL support that.

like image 140
Chiara Hsieh Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11

Chiara Hsieh