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Generating a random UUID in C




How would I go about generating an entropy-based UUID in C and storing it as a string (char pointer)?

I'm hoping that there is an easy way to do this internally, but system("uuidgen -r") will work if not.

like image 801
Billy Avatar asked Jun 27 '18 02:06


People also ask

What is proc sys kernel random UUID?

/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid is a type 4 (random) UUID with certain semantics - it's not just a string of random hex characters. For example you'll see the first digit in the third group is always a 4.

What is UUID generator?

A UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit value used to uniquely identify an object or entity on the internet. Depending on the specific mechanisms used, a UUID is either guaranteed to be different or is, at least, extremely likely to be different from any other UUID generated until A.D. 3400.

1 Answers

This functionality is provided by libuuid. (Packages libuuid1 and uuid-dev on Debian.)

This is a simple program that generates an entropy-based (random) UUID and writes it to stdout, then exits with status 0.

/* For malloc() */
#include <stdlib.h>
/* For puts()/printf() */
#include <stdio.h>
/* For uuid_generate() and uuid_unparse() */
#include <uuid/uuid.h>

/* Uncomment to always generate capital UUIDs. */
//#define capitaluuid true

/* Uncomment to always generate lower-case UUIDs. */
//#define lowercaseuuid true

 * Don't uncomment either if you don't care (the case of the letters
 * in the 'unparsed' UUID will depend on your system's locale).

int main(void) {
    uuid_t binuuid;
     * Generate a UUID. We're not done yet, though,
     * for the UUID generated is in binary format 
     * (hence the variable name). We must 'unparse' 
     * binuuid to get a usable 36-character string.

     * uuid_unparse() doesn't allocate memory for itself, so do that with
     * malloc(). 37 is the length of a UUID (36 characters), plus '\0'.
    char *uuid = malloc(37);

#ifdef capitaluuid
    /* Produces a UUID string at uuid consisting of capital letters. */
    uuid_unparse_upper(binuuid, uuid);
#elif lowercaseuuid
    /* Produces a UUID string at uuid consisting of lower-case letters. */
    uuid_unparse_lower(binuuid, uuid);
     * Produces a UUID string at uuid consisting of letters
     * whose case depends on the system's locale.
    uuid_unparse(binuuid, uuid);

    // Equivalent of printf("%s\n", uuid); - just my personal preference

    return 0;

uuid_unparse() doesn't allocate it's own memory; to avoid a segmentation fault upon execution you must do that with manually with uuid = malloc(37); (you can also store the UUID in a char array of that length: char uuid[37];). Make sure to compile with -luuid so that the linker knows that uuid_generate_random() and uuid_unparse() are defined in libuuid.

like image 64
Billy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
