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generate XLS files using PL/SQL





I would like to generate XLS files using PL/SQL. This includes entring text into cells, coloring cells, bordering cells and merging cells.

This may include also:

  • different fonts, sizes, styles, alignings and colors of text
  • different line arrangement, styles and colors of borders
  • different types (number, text, time, date, boolean, ..) of cells

Can please anyone direct me, where can I find any documentation, methods, examples.. - anything about how to do this.

like image 755
Ales Kancilija Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 19:12

Ales Kancilija

2 Answers

Starting from MS Office 2003 you can create XLS files as usual XML files. The official documentation is here and some PL/SQL examples can be found here or here.

Everything you've stated in requirements can be done this way.

Hope this helps.

I've done a general XLS from PL/SQL reporting solutions using this techniques: there's hardly any difficult things. Feel free to ask if you have any problems.

like image 190
andr Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 13:01


Check out the work done by Jason Bennett on hist PL/SQL ExcelDocumentType

like image 33
Gary Myers Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 12:01

Gary Myers