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Generate visual (waveform) from MP3/WAV file in Windows 2008 Server?

Is there (somewhere) a command-line program for Windows which will create PNG/JPEG visual from MP3/WAV?

EDIT: This is a good example of how the image should look like. enter image description here

like image 251
Alex G Avatar asked Mar 31 '12 14:03

Alex G

People also ask

Is Waveform audio a WAV file?

The Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) is an audio file format. It is considered a "first-generation" format with no compression except with some manipulations in order to store the sound digitally, resulting in larger sizes compared to formats like MP3 and WMA.

Which audio file is available in waveform?

What is WAV? WAV (or WAVE) stands for Waveform Audio File Format. It was developed by IBM and Microsoft.

How do I view WAV files?

Windows and Mac are both capable of opening WAV files. For Windows, if you double-click a WAV file, it will open using Windows Media Player. For Mac, if you double-click a WAV, it will open using iTunes or Quicktime. If you're on a system without these programs installed, then consider third-party software.

How do I create a waveform image for an audio file?

In fact, Cloudinary is a superb waveform generator. Creating a waveform image for an audio file you’ve uploaded to your Cloudinary account takes only two steps: Change the file extension (format) of the audio’s delivery URL on Cloudinary to an image-centric format, such as PNG. Enable the waveform flag by adding fl_waveform to the URL.

What are waveforms and how can I use them?

Waveform images are a nice way to visualize audio files, and are useful for user generated content, social networks and social messaging apps. With Cloudinary you can easily generate images of the waveforms of audio files, with the images generated on-the-fly using dynamic delivery URLs and delivered optimized via a fast CDN.

How do I create a waveform image using Cloudinary?

In fact, Cloudinary is a superb waveform generator. Creating a waveform image for an audio file you’ve uploaded to your Cloudinary account takes only two steps: Change the file extension (format) of the audio’s delivery URL on Cloudinary to an image-centric format, such as PNG.

What does a waveform image look like?

The waveform is blue on a green background with a duration between two-second mark and the four-second mark, scaled to a height of 250 pixels and a width of 400 pixels: As an appealing visual depiction of audio files, waveform images work well for user-generated content, social networks, and social-messaging apps.

2 Answers

Sox, "the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation", can generate accurate PNG spectrograms from sound files. It plays pretty much anything, and binaries are available for Windows. At the most basic level, you'd use something like this:

sox my.wav -n spectrogram

If you want a spectrogram with no axes, titles, legends, and a light background that's 100px high:

sox "Me, London.mp3" -n spectrogram -Y 130 -l -r -o "Me, London.png"

Sox accepts a lot of options if you only want to analyze a single channel for example. If you need your visuals to be even cooler, you could post-process the resulting PNG.

Here is a short overview from the commandline about all available parameters, the manpage has more details:

-x num  X-axis size in pixels; default derived or 800
-X num  X-axis pixels/second; default derived or 100
-y num  Y-axis size in pixels (per channel); slow if not 1 + 2^n
-Y num  Y-height total (i.e. not per channel); default 550
-z num  Z-axis range in dB; default 120
-Z num  Z-axis maximum in dBFS; default 0
-q num  Z-axis quantisation (0 - 249); default 249
-w name Window: Hann (default), Hamming, Bartlett, Rectangular, Kaiser
-W num  Window adjust parameter (-10 - 10); applies only to Kaiser
-s  Slack overlap of windows
-a  Suppress axis lines
-r  Raw spectrogram; no axes or legends
-l  Light background
-m  Monochrome
-h  High colour
-p num  Permute colours (1 - 6); default 1
-A  Alternative, inferior, fixed colour-set (for compatibility only)
-t text Title text
-c text Comment text
-o text Output file name; default `spectrogram.png'
-d time Audio duration to fit to X-axis; e.g. 1:00, 48
-S time Start the spectrogram at the given time through the input
like image 145
Wander Nauta Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10

Wander Nauta

A real waveform is possible with ffmpeg, you can download it here.

Install it somewhere and use the following command line as example:

ffmpeg.exe -i "filename.mp3" -lavfi showwavespic=split_channels=1:s=1024x800 waveform.png

or the following to match your example picture color, or other colors:

ffmpeg.exe -i "filename.mp3" -lavfi showwavespic=s=1024x800:colors=0971CE waveform.png

Documentation of FFmpeg showwavespic

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KoalaBear Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10
