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Generate UUID from name space?





Trying to generate a client Id, based on 2 unique strings. This should end up being the same UUID as generated in the server, from same I'ds.

With Javascript it looks something like this:

uuidv5(id1 + id2 , uuidv5.DNS);

Can't seem to find a way of generating this on Swift, NSUUID only can generate a UUID from nothing


I am looking for something like this:

NSUUID(namespace: id1 + id2).uuidString



let sorted = ["5a23dbfb2626b400190998fc", "5pCAvA7h8k9JuErRn"]
let appended = sorted.seperaredStringBy("-")
let result = uuidv5(appended , uuidv5.DNS)

like image 756
MCMatan Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 23:01


1 Answers

The Swift standard library or the Foundation framework have no built-in method for version 5 UUIDs, as far as I know.

Here is a possible implementation for version 3 and version 5 UUIDs, taken from the description at Generating v5 UUID. What is name and namespace? and the reference implementation in RFC 4122.

(Updated for Swift 4 and later.)

import Foundation
import CommonCrypto

extension UUID {

    enum UUIDVersion: Int {
        case v3 = 3
        case v5 = 5

    enum UUIDv5NameSpace: String {
        case dns  = "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
        case url  = "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
        case oid  = "6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
        case x500 = "6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"

    init(version: UUIDVersion, name: String, nameSpace: UUIDv5NameSpace) {
        // Get UUID bytes from name space:
        var spaceUID = UUID(uuidString: nameSpace.rawValue)!.uuid
        var data = withUnsafePointer(to: &spaceUID) { [count =  MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: spaceUID)] in
            Data(bytes: $0, count: count)

        // Append name string in UTF-8 encoding:
        data.append(contentsOf: name.utf8)

        // Compute digest (MD5 or SHA1, depending on the version):
        var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count:Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH))
        data.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Void in
            switch version {
            case .v3:
                _ = CC_MD5(ptr.baseAddress, CC_LONG(data.count), &digest)
            case .v5:
                _ = CC_SHA1(ptr.baseAddress, CC_LONG(data.count), &digest)

        // Set version bits:
        digest[6] &= 0x0F
        digest[6] |= UInt8(version.rawValue) << 4
        // Set variant bits:
        digest[8] &= 0x3F
        digest[8] |= 0x80

        // Create UUID from digest:
        self = NSUUID(uuidBytes: digest) as UUID

Example 1 (Your case):

let uuid = UUID(version: .v5, name: "5a23dbfb2626b400190998fc-5pCAvA7h8k9JuErRn", nameSpace: .dns)
print(uuid) // 2522B097-8532-548E-A18B-9366C6511B5E

Example 2 (From Appendix B in RFC 4122, as corrected in the Errata):

let uuid = UUID(version: .v3, name: "www.widgets.com", nameSpace: .dns)
print(uuid) //3D813CBB-47FB-32BA-91DF-831E1593AC29
like image 120
Martin R Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 15:01

Martin R