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Generate Unit Test Code from Swagger API for Java REST

I was trying using Swagger test templates and found this an interesting tool to generate the test files for my controllers, but It seems to just work for NodeJs projects, because there is not a similar tool for the Java platform.

Do somebody knows about how to generate these Test files from my controllers by using a swagger file for spring boot projects?


I have tried with commercial tools like RepreZen and SwaggerHub but they don't generate the test files for me.

I have also tried by using swagger-generator jar tool to generate those kind of files, but this tool just generate code for Client but no for the Server.

Thx you a lot!.

like image 824
Erikson Murrugarra Avatar asked Sep 21 '16 15:09

Erikson Murrugarra

People also ask

Does swagger generate code?

Document new and existing APIs with the Swagger (OpenAPI) specification. Quickly generate code in the language of their choosing, and push to source control repositories. Securely work on APIs across teams, with control over who can access API definitions.

Can we do API testing using swagger?

Swagger UI helps business partners, product managers, and prospective clients to contribute to API designing. The blueprint (documentation) can be shared with your internal team and can be used for swagger API testing automation. It's simply adaptable for testing and troubleshooting APIs.

1 Answers

For testing API of Spring-family projects you can use Springfox + AssertJ Swagger libraries. Also you need a YAML file with your API specification. The main idea of this solution is to compare a contract-first Swagger YAML file with a code-first Swagger JSON generated by SpringFox.

Springfox integrates with Spring MVC with support for Swagger 1.2 and Swagger 2.0 spec. Springfox is able to automatically generate JSON API documentation at runtime for API's built with Spring.

Assertj-Swagger is a library which compares a design-first Swagger YAML with an implementation-first Swagger JSON output (e.g. from springfox). assertj-swagger allows to validate that the implementation in compliance with the design specification.

Project setup example


<!-- http://springfox.io -->



Test code:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class AssertJSwaggerConsumerDrivenTest {

    int randomPort;

    public void validateThatImplementationSatisfiesConsumerSpecification() {
        File designFirstSwagger = new File(AssertJSwaggerConsumerDrivenTest.class.getResource("/swagger.yaml").getFile());
        SwaggerAssertions.assertThat("http://localhost:" + randomPort + "/v2/api-docs")


  • Exception java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: io/github/robwin/swagger/test/SwaggerAssertions : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
    Solution: Use JRE 1.8+
  • Exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io.swagger.models.parameters.AbstractSerializableParameter.setMaximum(Ljava/lang/Double;)V
    At the moment of writing AssertJ-Swagger library is incompatible with the latest SpringFox release, so I recommend to use SpringFox v2.6.1.
  • Warning! I find Consumer Driven Contract test too strict for my project, it gives a lot of false errors, e.g. if an actual DTO name differs from a name in the specification.
    I don't know how to fight this issue. All suggestions are welcomed!
like image 97
naXa Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10
