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"Generate Signed APK" option is not display in android studio Build menu

"Generate Signed APK" option is not display in android studio Build menu, What is the problem or something I missed to install?? Thanks

enter image description here

When I click "Build APK(s)" , the android studio is no response

like image 767
tommy Avatar asked Jan 30 '19 05:01


2 Answers

Firstly check with clean > rebuild project and see that 'app' is not having "red X" icon.

enter image description here

Check your gradle that you had not configured it with release config yet.

enter image description here

There must be a signing config in gradle file

enter image description here

like image 171
Deep Patel Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10

Deep Patel

For me, clicking File > Sync Project with Gradle File System solved it for me.

like image 4
kc ochibili Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

kc ochibili