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Generate random number during Maven build





Is there a plugin (or another easy way) to generate a "random" number as part of a Maven build? I would like to assign this number to a property that I can then use in the pom.xml file for some other purposes, e.g. for a filter value.

The number doesn't have to be completely random (hence the quotes), something using the current timestamp as a seed would be perfectly OK.

like image 934
nwinkler Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 09:03


2 Answers

The default installation of maven offers a variable named maven.build.timestamp, which gives you a timestamp. You can control the format with


which follows the SimpleDateFormat rules. So, you can simply just use ${maven.build.timestamp} to get a formatted timestamp :)


like image 186
JustDanyul Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09


You can use the timestamp maven plugin : http://code.google.com/p/maven-timestamp-plugin/

It generates the timestamp in maven property in the format you like.

like image 22
benzonico Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
