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Generate combination of elements of 2d lists in groovy

I have a 2d list where the number of rows is between 1 to 5, and a number of elements in each row are dynamic. Let's suppose I have a list like

values = [[1,2,3], [4,5],[6,7,8,9]];

result = [[1,4,6],[1,4,7],[1,4,8],[1,4,9],[1,5,6],[1,5,7],[1,5,8],[1,5,9],[2,4,6],[2,4,7],[2,4,8],[2,4,9],[2,5,6],[2,5,7],[2,5,8],[2,5,9],[3,4,6],[3,4,7],[3,4,8],[3,4,9],[3,5,6],[3,5,7],[3,5,8],[3,5,9]]

values are my input and I need the output in the format of the result.

I have tried implementing a function in a recursive fashion but failed. My function is

import groovy.transform.Field

List lines = [];
def function(row, col, lines)
    if(row >= values.size())
        log.info("This should go inside result: " + lines);
    if(col >= values[row].size())

    lines << values[row][col];  

List values = [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6,7,8,9]];

List lst = [];

for(int i=0; i<values[0].size(); i++)
    function(0, i, lines)
like image 427
venkat sai Avatar asked Nov 24 '18 17:11

venkat sai

1 Answers

Groovy has a built-in collection function combinations() that generates all possible combinations from a list of lists of elements.

Example usage:

assert [['a', 'b'],[1, 2, 3]].combinations() == [['a', 1], ['b', 1], ['a', 2], ['b', 2], ['a', 3], ['b', 3]]

You can simply invoke this method on values from your initial script:

def values = [[1,2,3], [4,5],[6,7,8,9]]

def expected = [[1,4,6],[1,4,7],[1,4,8],[1,4,9],[1,5,6],[1,5,7],[1,5,8],[1,5,9],[2,4,6],[2,4,7],[2,4,8],[2,4,9],[2,5,6],[2,5,7],[2,5,8],[2,5,9],[3,4,6],[3,4,7],[3,4,8],[3,4,9],[3,5,6],[3,5,7],[3,5,8],[3,5,9]]

def result = values.combinations()

assert ((expected as Set) == (result as Set))

However, if you really want to implement this algorithm on your own, you could implement a pretty straightforward tail recursive algorithm like the one shown below:
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.TailRecursive

<T> List<List<T>> combinations(final List<List<T>> xss, final List<List<T>> result = [[]]) {
    return !xss ? result : combinations(xss.tail(), process(xss.head(), result))

<T> List<List<T>> process(final List<T> xs, final List<List<T>> result) {
    return result.inject([]) { yss, ys -> yss + xs.collect { x -> ys + x } }

def values = [[1,2,3], [4,5],[6,7,8,9]]

def expected = [[1,4,6],[1,4,7],[1,4,8],[1,4,9],[1,5,6],[1,5,7],[1,5,8],[1,5,9],[2,4,6],[2,4,7],[2,4,8],[2,4,9],[2,5,6],[2,5,7],[2,5,8],[2,5,9],[3,4,6],[3,4,7],[3,4,8],[3,4,9],[3,5,6],[3,5,7],[3,5,8],[3,5,9]]

assert combinations(values) == expected
like image 188
Szymon Stepniak Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Szymon Stepniak