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Generate background and text classes based on color variables




I am looking to utilize a SASS Rules (@mixin, @extend, etc.) and/or control directives (@if, @for, @each, etc.) to generate classes for the color variables that I have defined.

Below is an example of what I am using currently, but I know that I can further simplify this to make it significantly less redundant.

// Colors
$navy: #37455a;
$blue: #abbdd3;
$cyan: #a3d9cb;
$peach: #ff9d7a;

// Backgrounds
  background: $navy;

  background: $blue;

  background: $cyan;

  background: $peach;

// Text
  color: $navy;

  color: $blue;

  color: $cyan;

  color: $peach;

I have tried a few different methods, but I always run into conflicts with mapping. I want to preserve the mapped variable in the object to use outside of these functions. This is what I have come up with so far:

// Colors for use in other partials
$navy: #37455a;
$blue: #abbdd3;
$cyan: #a3d9cb;
$peach: #ff9d7a;

// Mapped colors used for generating classes (Duplicated unfortunately)
$colors: (
  $navy: #37455a;
  $blue: #abbdd3;
  $cyan: #a3d9cb;
  $peach: #ff9d7a;

// Background class definition
@mixin bg{
    background: $color;

// Text class definition
@mixin text{
    color: $color;

// Background class generation
@each $color in $colors{
  @include bg($color);

// Text class generation
@each $color in $colors{
  @include text($color);

While what I have above does not work, it's closer to what I am trying do accomplish. Has anybody solved for what I am attempting to do here? Any insight would be much appreciated as well!

like image 249
e.shell Avatar asked Nov 16 '16 20:11


1 Answers

One mixin to do it all!

$navy: #37455a;
$blue: #abbdd3;
$cyan: #a3d9cb;
$peach: #ff9d7a;

$colors: (
  navy: $navy,
  blue: $blue,
  cyan: $cyan,
  peach: $peach

@mixin gen-props($prefix, $property) {
  @each $color-name, $color in $colors {
    .#{$prefix}-#{$color-name} {
      #{$property}: $color

@include gen-props('text', 'color');
@include gen-props('bg', 'background');
like image 78
Kodie Grantham Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 02:11

Kodie Grantham