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Generate apk file for meteor app




I have a project is working for android browser. Is there a way to generate the apk file?
Also, are there anything that I shoud know before generating the apk file?

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Abdullah Dahmash Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 09:12

Abdullah Dahmash

People also ask

How do I make a APK of an app?

There is no manual way on how to create an apk from an installed app on your Android smartphone. Hence you need to use a third-party application available on Google Play Store known as App Country Finder.

How is APK file created?

To make an APK file, a program for Android is first compiled using a tool such as Android Studio or Visual Studio and then all of its parts are packaged into one container file. An APK file contains all of a program's code (such as . dex files), resources, assets, certificates, and manifest file.

1 Answers

There are a few steps to follow in order to generate the Android application file (.apk) from a meteor app:

  1. meteor install-sdk android
  2. Have the mobile-config.js file in your project root (mobile-config.js example)
  3. meteor add-platform android
  4. meteor build ~/your-output-dir --server=yourapp.meteor.com

Then you will have your .apk file in ~/your-output-dir/android/unaligned.apk

If you want to proceed and submit to Google Play Store, here are the steps to follow: https://guide.meteor.com/mobile.html#submitting-android

Hope this helps!

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Ruben S Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10

Ruben S