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Generate and set random colors on text view background within Recycler View in Android

I am Trying to Generate Random Colors and set the Random color as background of Text View Just Like in GMail app. The Text view is Having a circular background initially set in xml which i have done using shape. I have done some research and used some code available on internet but the changes are not reflecting in my app. Gmail

Below is my Recycler View Adapter Class:

    public class RecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerViewAdapter.Items> {
        ArrayList<GmailDataHolder> data;
        Context context;

        public RecyclerViewAdapter(ArrayList<GmailDataHolder> data, Context context) {
            this.data = data;
            this.context = context;

        public RecyclerViewAdapter.Items onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
            View v = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.gmail_layout_row, parent, false);
            Items i = new Items(v);
            return i;


        public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerViewAdapter.Items holder, int position) {

//Generating Random Color
            int randomAndroidColor = holder.androidColors[new Random().nextInt(holder.androidColors.length)];
            Drawable background = holder.circleTv.getBackground();
            if (background instanceof ShapeDrawable) {
            } else if (background instanceof GradientDrawable) {
            } else if (background instanceof ColorDrawable) {
            holder.line2.setText(data.get(position).getLine2() + "...");
            holder.line3.setText(data.get(position).getLine3() + "...");

            //get Star Image State from MySql DB

            MyFunctions.getStarState(data, holder, position);

            //Changing Star Image on Click


        public int getItemCount() {
            return data.size();

        public class Items extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
            TextView circleTv, line1, line2, line3, time;
            int[] androidColors;
            public ImageView star;

            public Items(View itemView) {
//Loading Color from resources
                androidColors = itemView.getResources().getIntArray(R.array.androidcolors);
                circleTv = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_circle);
                line1 = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_line1);
                line2 = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_line2);
                line3 = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_line3);
                time = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_time);
                star = (ImageView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.img_star);


Colors.xml File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="colorPrimary">#3F51B5</color>
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#303F9F</color>
    <color name="colorAccent">#dc4538</color>
    <color name="colorFacebook">#374dae</color>
    <color name="colorCenterFb">#d5617ae6</color>
    <color name="colorStartGoogle">#d8dd4c3a</color>
    <color name="colorEndGoogle">#dd4c3a</color>
    <color name="colorEndLinkedIn">#1887b0</color>
    <color name="colorStartLinkedIn">#e31887b0</color>
    <color name="colorStrokeLinkedIn">#ec106584</color>
    <color name="colorStrokeGoogle">#b73e2e</color>
    <color name="colorStrokeFacebook">#e2263a91</color>
    <color name="status">#ba3223</color>
    <item name="blue" type="color">#FF33B5E5</item>
    <item name="purple" type="color">#FFAA66CC</item>
    <item name="green" type="color">#FF99CC00</item>
    <item name="orange" type="color">#FFFFBB33</item>
    <item name="red" type="color">#FFFF4444</item>
    <item name="darkblue" type="color">#FF0099CC</item>
    <item name="darkpurple" type="color">#FF9933CC</item>
    <item name="darkgreen" type="color">#FF669900</item>
    <item name="darkorange" type="color">#FFFF8800</item>
    <item name="darkred" type="color">#FFCC0000</item>

    <integer-array name="androidcolors">


Initially The TextView is having the following Background declared in xml:

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
like image 204
Aamir Avatar asked Dec 11 '16 08:12


People also ask

How can I change random background color in Android?

Random rnd = new Random(); int color = Color. argb(255, rnd. nextInt(256), rnd. nextInt(256), rnd.

How do I add background color to TextView?

To change the background color of TextView widget, set the background attribute with required Color value. You can specify color in rgb , argb , rrggbb , or aarrggbb formats. The background color is applied along the width and height of the TextView.

What is viewType in onCreateViewHolder?

This viewType variable is internal to the Adapter class. It's used in the onCreateViewHolder() and onBindViewHolder to inflate and populate the mapped layouts. Before we jump into the implementation of the Adapter class, let's look at the types of layouts that are defined for each view type.

2 Answers

Random r = new Random();
    int red=r.nextInt(255 - 0 + 1)+0;
    int green=r.nextInt(255 - 0 + 1)+0;
    int blue=r.nextInt(255 - 0 + 1)+0;

    GradientDrawable draw = new GradientDrawable();
like image 54
Android Dev Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10

Android Dev

//  google's material design colours from    , 254 colors
//  http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-ui-color-palette

public String[] mColors = {
        "FFEBEE", "FFCDD2", "EF9A9A", "E57373", "EF5350", "F44336", "E53935",        //reds
        "D32F2F", "C62828", "B71C1C", "FF8A80", "FF5252", "FF1744", "D50000",
        "FCE4EC", "F8BBD0", "F48FB1", "F06292", "EC407A", "E91E63", "D81B60",        //pinks
        "C2185B", "AD1457", "880E4F", "FF80AB", "FF4081", "F50057", "C51162",
        "F3E5F5", "E1BEE7", "CE93D8", "BA68C8", "AB47BC", "9C27B0", "8E24AA",        //purples
        "7B1FA2", "6A1B9A", "4A148C", "EA80FC", "E040FB", "D500F9", "AA00FF",
        "EDE7F6", "D1C4E9", "B39DDB", "9575CD", "7E57C2", "673AB7", "5E35B1",        //deep purples
        "512DA8", "4527A0", "311B92", "B388FF", "7C4DFF", "651FFF", "6200EA",
        "E8EAF6", "C5CAE9", "9FA8DA", "7986CB", "5C6BC0", "3F51B5", "3949AB",        //indigo
        "303F9F", "283593", "1A237E", "8C9EFF", "536DFE", "3D5AFE", "304FFE",
        "E3F2FD", "BBDEFB", "90CAF9", "64B5F6", "42A5F5", "2196F3", "1E88E5",        //blue
        "1976D2", "1565C0", "0D47A1", "82B1FF", "448AFF", "2979FF", "2962FF",
        "E1F5FE", "B3E5FC", "81D4fA", "4fC3F7", "29B6FC", "03A9F4", "039BE5",        //light blue
        "0288D1", "0277BD", "01579B", "80D8FF", "40C4FF", "00B0FF", "0091EA",
        "E0F7FA", "B2EBF2", "80DEEA", "4DD0E1", "26C6DA", "00BCD4", "00ACC1",        //cyan
        "0097A7", "00838F", "006064", "84FFFF", "18FFFF", "00E5FF", "00B8D4",
        "E0F2F1", "B2DFDB", "80CBC4", "4DB6AC", "26A69A", "009688", "00897B",        //teal
        "00796B", "00695C", "004D40", "A7FFEB", "64FFDA", "1DE9B6", "00BFA5",
        "E8F5E9", "C8E6C9", "A5D6A7", "81C784", "66BB6A", "4CAF50", "43A047",        //green
        "388E3C", "2E7D32", "1B5E20", "B9F6CA", "69F0AE", "00E676", "00C853",
        "F1F8E9", "DCEDC8", "C5E1A5", "AED581", "9CCC65", "8BC34A", "7CB342",        //light green
        "689F38", "558B2F", "33691E", "CCFF90", "B2FF59", "76FF03", "64DD17",
        "F9FBE7", "F0F4C3", "E6EE9C", "DCE775", "D4E157", "CDDC39", "C0CA33",        //lime
        "A4B42B", "9E9D24", "827717", "F4FF81", "EEFF41", "C6FF00", "AEEA00",
        "FFFDE7", "FFF9C4", "FFF590", "FFF176", "FFEE58", "FFEB3B", "FDD835",        //yellow
        "FBC02D", "F9A825", "F57F17", "FFFF82", "FFFF00", "FFEA00", "FFD600",
        "FFF8E1", "FFECB3", "FFE082", "FFD54F", "FFCA28", "FFC107", "FFB300",        //amber
        "FFA000", "FF8F00", "FF6F00", "FFE57F", "FFD740", "FFC400", "FFAB00",
        "FFF3E0", "FFE0B2", "FFCC80", "FFB74D", "FFA726", "FF9800", "FB8C00",        //orange
        "F57C00", "EF6C00", "E65100", "FFD180", "FFAB40", "FF9100", "FF6D00",
        "FBE9A7", "FFCCBC", "FFAB91", "FF8A65", "FF7043", "FF5722", "F4511E",        //deep orange
        "E64A19", "D84315", "BF360C", "FF9E80", "FF6E40", "FF3D00", "DD2600",
        "EFEBE9", "D7CCC8", "BCAAA4", "A1887F", "8D6E63", "795548", "6D4C41",        //brown
        "5D4037", "4E342E", "3E2723",
        "FAFAFA", "F5F5F5", "EEEEEE", "E0E0E0", "BDBDBD", "9E9E9E", "757575",        //grey
        "616161", "424242", "212121",
        "ECEFF1", "CFD8DC", "B0BBC5", "90A4AE", "78909C", "607D8B", "546E7A",        //blue grey
        "455A64", "37474F", "263238"

These are the material design colors.take a random color from it.

// generate a random number
int i = new Random().nextInt(254);

it will generate a random number from 0 to 254

GradientDrawable shape = new GradientDrawable();
        shape.setColor(Color.parseColor ("#"+mColors[new Random().nextInt(254)]));

it will choose a random color from the list and set as textview background color

like image 44
Binil Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10
